In the Rajya Sabha on Sunday who were the Badshahs? The Government of course – National Herald

The ordinances were, ironically, opposed by organisations affiliated to the RSS as well. And the Government is yet to come up with a satisfactory explanation why on the one hand it allows market forces to determine prices of rice and wheat while on the other hand, it imposes a ban on the export of onions, allegedly because of Bihar elections. It has also not explained why the ordinances, now Bills, provide no regulation for corporate bodies trading in farm produce.

The problem with this Government is that it believes in acting first and do the thinking later. It believs it knows best. It believes criticism is anti-national and that it alone has the right to speakallegedly because it has the mandate.

If they had the mandate, why didnt it allow voting in the Rajya Sabha? Because that would have exposed the Government?

Sadly, the Government believes in winning by hook or by crook. It is Heads I win, tails you lose.

Who then is behaving like the Badshah?

Continued here:

In the Rajya Sabha on Sunday who were the Badshahs? The Government of course - National Herald

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