Canada will censor use of indigenous music – SlippediscSlippedisc | The inside track on classical music and related cultures, by Norman Lebrecht -…

norman lebrecht

September 20, 2022

The Canadian Music Centre (CMC) has authorised an indigenous panel to permit or ban use of indigenous material in new compositions.

Composers hav econtacted us in alarm.

Read the new censorship rule:

The Indigenous Advisory Council (IAC) serves at arms length from the CMC on matters related to cultural appropriation and misuse of Indigenous songs, story, and culture. The IAC is a group of Indigenous folks from across Canada with a broad range of expertise in music, curation, museology, performance, and repatriation. Its mandate is to provide recommendations to CMC for appropriately redressing instances of misuse in compositions on an ongoing, case-by-case basis.

This work is made possible with funding from the Canada Council for the Arts and Canadian Heritage to support thinking about these issues in a large-scale policy basis. It is a major priority for the CMC to work with Indigenous leaders to examine and search for resolutions to the use of Indigenous Song and Story in the works of Canadian Composition past, present and future; [to establish] protocols for composers and performers when composing and performing works influenced or based on Indigenous materials (Goal #1, current 2019-2024 Strategic Plan). Having been part of the cause of injury, CMC has to be part of the healing and the solution and take leadership in the healing.T

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Canada will censor use of indigenous music - SlippediscSlippedisc | The inside track on classical music and related cultures, by Norman Lebrecht -...

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