Ukrainians put on masks and try to trick artificial intelligence – The Slovak Spectator

24. May 2022 at 17:11 IPremium content

The company employs women with children.

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We live in an era of biometric revolution, a technology that allows the verification of a person's identity through fingerprints or facial recognition. We encounter it when unlocking a phone, safely accessing company premises or a bank account.

Since 2007 a Slovak company Innovatrics, founded by Jn Lunter Jr., has been involved in biometrics. On a global scale, the company is a strong player that has already verified the identity of more than a billion people.

Facial biometrics has significantly expanded the commercial capabilities of the technology, as cameras are cheaper and therefore used by more employees than fingerprint scanners.

When Innovatrics started, facial biometrics had a high error rate, but thanks to the development of neural networks and artificial intelligence, its reliability has significantly improved.

Recently, the company launched a project to improve the technology. For this purpose, the company has hired five Ukrainians and plans to employ more in the near future.

"We didn't want to be a charity, so we offered Ukrainians a job that would make sense for them, as well as for us," explains Jn Zborsk, a Communication Manager in the company.

The Innovatrics Ukrainian team's task is to create datasets to teach artificial intelligence to check liveness. In other words, software will identify whether the system is looking at a photo from a magazine, a living person, or a person wearing a mask during an identification check.

Why? The coronavirus pandemic has created a boom in technologies that enable companies to communicate with clients remotely. One such example is banks that allow the opening of an account from a living room.

Read more from the original source:
Ukrainians put on masks and try to trick artificial intelligence - The Slovak Spectator

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