Defining the Scope of an Artificial Intelligence Project – Toolbox

A final consideration in project selection is the determination of the appropriate size of the project. It must be matched with available resources. Will there be enough time, money, people, or development equipment? What would be the attitude of the domain experts? If favorable, would they be able to devote the effort the project would require of them? How many of the modules are available off the shelf in SaaS oropen source?Predicting the availability of required resources realistically is an important aspect of the project selection.

An attraction of Al technology is its effectiveness in solving problems that contain uncertainty, ambiguity, or complexity. However, it is still necessary to put some bounds on these factors to have a successful project. If the bounds cannot be determined accurately, particularly for early AI projects, a different application should be considered. The same comment applies to applications where the knowledge base may be incomplete. In such, would applications with a partial solution be useful or acceptable? On the other hand, it is tempting to incorporate too much knowledge in the system. Even though the addition of knowledge increases the performance of the system, potential problems with redundancies and inefficiencies could be encountered. Either of these circumstances would substantially increase the scope and cost of the project.

As noted previously, there are many good applications of AI technology which do not have the goal of replacing human experts. Rather, the intent is to assist the experts to do a better job or to improve their work environment. Limiting, at least initially, the extent of assistance to the user, enables a more accurate estimate of project size. Another aid in limiting the scope of a system is to prescribe the range of problems that it is intended to solve. For example, a diagnostic system could be designed to handle 20 percent of the potential faults that cause 80 percent of the problems.

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Defining the Scope of an Artificial Intelligence Project - Toolbox

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