Hyfe Joins Forces with Merck to Deploy Its Artificial Intelligence-Powered Cough Detection and Counting Technology – Business Wire

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Hyfe, Inc., the global leader in AI-powered cough detection, tracking and classification, has entered into an agreement with Merck, known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, to integrate its artificial intelligence-powered (AI) cough tracker technology into Mercks consumer disease educational efforts..

Hyfes AI-powered technology passively and remotely monitors the number of times a person coughs and the sound of the cough through any smart device, such as a mobile phone. This data collected over time provides the user with helpful information by revealing patterns and potential triggers like seasonal allergies that may be causing the cough that would otherwise go unnoticed or unaddressed.

The overwhelming majority of people cannot even come close to accurately estimating the number of times they cough per day, said Peter Small, M.D., chief medical officer of Hyfe, Inc. In order to help diagnose and treat patients, cough frequency and sound should be monitored and measured with the same accuracy as blood pressure, temperature, heartbeat and other biomarkers that are essential for assessing health and medical conditions.

Users of the app will be able to determine when and how long to track their coughing. The AI-powered technology records cough-related sounds and allows the user to compare the frequency and quality of their coughs against their own benchmark. This personalized approach provides users with more detailed information and confidential data about their individual situations to share with their health care providers.

Hyfe, Inc. is the global leader in AI-powered cough detection and classification that provides insight into cough patterns and correlations that can greatly improve treatment and prevention. With more than 280 million samples, Hyfe maintains the largest cough dataset in the world enabling the building of powerful models to track, manage and diagnose respiratory illnesses. Hyfe provides platforms and data for pharmaceutical companies, medical researchers, government agencies, health care providers and patients and has partnerships with leading academic institutions including Johns Hopkins University and the University of California at San Francisco. The company was founded in 2020 and is headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware. More information is available at Hyfe.ai, on social media @hyfeapp and LinkedIn at /hyfe.

Note to media: Digital assets for this story are available at hyfe.PressRep.net.

1 EO Meltzer, RS Zeiger, P Dicpinigaitis, et al. Prevalence and burden of chronic cough in the United States J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract, 9 (2021), pp. 4037-4044e2

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Hyfe Joins Forces with Merck to Deploy Its Artificial Intelligence-Powered Cough Detection and Counting Technology - Business Wire

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