6 Ways to Improve your Business with Artificial Intelligence – ReadWrite

Artificial Intelligence is the technology that bestowed us with a fairytale-like functionality in our homes and offices. Have you seen the Beauty and the Beast movie? In that movie, the beauty was in the beasts castle, and there was no other living creature there. She was all alone, except she had a talking and moving clock, a candelabra, a teapot, and a teacup. Here are six ways to improve your business with artificial intelligence.

The wonderful technology that can make our lives easier is known as Artificial Intelligence and you can talk to it, too.

The simplest example of artificial intelligence is Alexa and Siri. Imagine calling someone when Siri was not there. You have to find their name in the contacts, and then you have to dial them up. Now, you can simply say, Hey Siri, call XYZ, and Siri will call them.

As technology is increasing, the demands of users are also increasing. It is becoming hard for businesses to keep up with those demands. If a business wants to grow, they have to come online. Having a business app or website is that you cannot just launch a website/app and not have online support. You have to track who visits your website/app, and you have to do something to convert that potential client into a real client.

But the thing here is that you or your support guy cannot be online 24*7. If a user comes midnight to shop or have an inquiry and message you, you have to reply within a minute or at most in 5 minutes, or else they will leave your site/app. This is a task that is not possible, but deep down, you know that this is a matter that does need to be solved.

In this case, conversational AI can be used that can trigger a reply once they come across a keyword. If they encounter something unknown, they can simply answer that please provide your email address or phone number, and the team will contact you as soon as possible. At least some reply is better than nothing.

Moreover, if you add enough keywords, the conversational AI can talk like a support person. Dish Network has tested this thing, and in their observation, customers rate interactions with virtual agents the same, and sometimes even better, in comparison to the human support staff.

When a machine does work, it is error-free. Moreover, if you let the machine do the job, you will get more time to do tasks that require human interaction. This way, you will enable yourself to do more important tasks and work productively. As a startup or a small business, this can be the competitive gain that you were looking for.

Lets have a look at how you can improve your business with Artificial Intelligence.

We have so many marketing ideas, but the main reason why many of them dont work is that we cannot target the right audience. As a content writer, I was writing a blog about cloud computing, and from that day, Google started showing me ads for cloud computing. I am not a buyer here, but as I searched for the same, Google thinks I am interested in buying the same.

This particularly shows that the wrong person was targeted. It is possible they had an awesome offer, but cloud computing is something which I think I never have to buy. The company paid for that to be shown to the right audience, and that didnt happen.

AI can release you from the stress of targeting the right audience. Itll target the right audience for you, and there are minimum possibilities of AI to go wrong. This is the feature that most of us need, as finding the right audience is a great challenge.

Take the phones of two different persons and go to the Amazon or Flipkart app, and you will see the difference.

Different products would be shown on their main page, and this is how people want to experience online shopping. They offer lakhs of products, and no one wants to see what they are not interested in. This is where AI stores what they like and thus show them the related products.

Now, AI is completely changing how people shop online. One of the reasons that people prefer traditional shopping was that they were able to try the clothes at the shop and they were able to see if it suits them or not. Thanks to Augmented Reality, people can now take the trail online.

People can now take a trail of the clothes that they want to buy, and thus this is making their experience more pleasant.

AI is centralized towards creating an awesome customer experience. This helps companies to earn more as customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience. A simple example is that we pay more when we go to a salon for a haircut, and we pay less to a local barber, and then we even ask for discounts. The willingness to pay is dependent on the experience.

Therefore you should try to create a pleasant customer experience as you can. According to a report by American Express: Customers who have a positive customer experience spend 74% more.

This feature is one that threatens my job. AI can even write content that is plagiarism-free and filled with the right keywords, and thus they can rank on the google pages.

AI can create eye-catching content. But it is hard to create content that does not contain any plagiarism as facts and studies will remain the same, and if someone uses these facts in their content, this will lead to plagiarism. This gave birth to automated journalism. In this, robots will write the content.

The best example is Heliograf of Washington Post, which has written various articles on the Olympics and politics and has also won awards in Artificial Intelligence.

Product tagging and visual search have started taking digital marketing with an impact. Google first founded this, and it was a wow feature. You just have to start your camera and point it to something, and then you can know what it is.

This means that if someone is looking at your product and dont know what it is, they can just start their camera, and they can know the name and the price of the product. Thus, if someone likes your product and wants to buy it, they are just a camera search away.

This makes it easy for people to find your product and your business.

Technology has become so advanced that phones can identify human voices and address their command. This is not unknown to people due to Siri and Alexa, but still, people cannot use it to their advantage.

Whenever I scroll through Instagram, I do come across some post with an amazing song or beat, but I dont know the name of, but I liked the song, and I want to listen to it, but how can I do that?

The simple answer is to use Shazam or ask Siri to identify the song. It is no longer limited to mobiles. You can also use your speaker to do so.

You should understand that voice search is very different from traditional search. SEO for voice search requires a different approach. Here, long-tail keywords can help your SEO.

With the help of AI and good advertisement knowledge, ads can be personalized according to the targeted customer.

Artificial Intelligence can help in business by doing your work in an error-free way. It can help you in cutting down your expenses, and it can perform the work faster. You can use Artificial intelligence as the ultimate weapon that you need for competitive gain.

Karan Vora is an online marketer and avid tech-savvy blogger. He is associated with Capermint Technologies, a creative app and game development company based in Canada. He loves to write about web & app development, AR/VR, artificial Intelligence, UI/UX, digital marketing and much more. Apart from writing, he loves traveling & photography.

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6 Ways to Improve your Business with Artificial Intelligence - ReadWrite

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