
Archives 2006-2010

WikiLeaks released the UK government database of all 1,841,177 UK post codes together with latitude and longitude, grid references, county, district, ward, NHS codes and regions, Ordinance Survey reference, and date of introduction. The database was last updated on July 8, 2009 and is over 100,000 pages in size.

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The released document detailed the key facts and themes NATO representatives are to give and to avoid giving to the world press. Among the revelations, which we encourage the public to review in detail, is Jordans presence as secret member of the US lead occupation force.

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On Monday 16th March 2009, The Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom published a series of leaked memos from the banking giant Barclays. The next day, these documents were removed from The Guardian web archive, as a result of a court injunction obtained in the middle of the night

Wikileaks obtained the documents from an anonymous source and published them the next day. The documents are copies of alleged internal memos from within Barclays Bank. They were sent by an anonymous whistleblower to Vince Cable, Liberal-Democrat shadow chancellor. The documents reveal a number of elaborate international tax avoidance schemes by the SCM (Structured Capital Markets) division of Barclays. According to these documents, Barclays has been systematically assisting clients to avoid huge amounts of tax they should be liable for across multiple jurisdictions.

Read this in Wikileaks Archives

Wikileaks released a confidential NATO report from January 2009, revealed that civilian deaths from the war in Afghanistan had increased by 46% over the past year. The report showed a dramatic escalation of the war and civil disorder. Coalition deaths increased by 35%, assassinations and kidnappings by 50% and attacks on the Kabul based Government of Hamid Karzai also more than doubled, rising a massive 119%.

Read this in Wikileaks Archives


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