Here’s what LinkedIn is doing to Support Safe Conversations on its Platform! – Digital Information World

If you are seeking a reliable job in accordance with your skills and qualifications or if you are planning on roping in dedicated individuals to work for you, LinkedIn has to be your go-to platform. For years now, LinkedIn has helped connect employers with the right employees and it doesnt plan on stopping anytime soon. In fact, LinkedIn is now testing out ways to keep its platform safe for all users.

According to renowned tech blogger, Jane Manchun Wong, LinkedIn is working on telling users to be respectful and professional. Wong attached a screenshot to her tweet to give us a good look at the new development.

So, basically, when you are about to post something on LinkedIn, a banner will be displayed requesting you to be respectful and professional. It should be noted that this banner shows up by default and not after detecting inappropriate content. Wong also stated that this new development appears to be a part of LinkedIns effort to support safe conversations on its platform by de-platforming hateful, harassing, inflammatory, or racist content.

While LinkedIns efforts are commendable, the professional networking service has a long way to go before it can claim to be free of online toxicity. It will be interesting to see how LinkedIn evolves its content moderation features in the months and years to come.

Featured photo: MARTIN BUREAU/AFP via Getty Images

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Here's what LinkedIn is doing to Support Safe Conversations on its Platform! - Digital Information World

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