Trump Jr. bashes Twitter over suspension: ‘This never happens to … the left. It only hurts conservatives’ – Fox News

Donald Trump Jr. joined "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Tuesday to respond to the 12-hour suspension of his Twitter account after he posted a video featuring doctors endorsing the use ofanti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus.

"I've been saying this for a longtime," the presidents eldest son told host Tucker Carlson. "I wrote my first bookabout justice andcensorship comingfrom the big tech giants from California -- as homogenous a group as you couldpossibly imagine. If they are censoring myaccount, they are censoringothers and they've been tryingto do this for a while.

"I've been talking about the deplatforming, that demonetization of people that are preaching conservative values," Trump Jr. added, "because you have to note, thisnever happens to someone sayingsomething that benefits theleft.It only hurts conservatives."

Trump Jr. said he wasn't endorsing the claims in the video, but labeled it a "must-watch" because it ran contrary to a narrative "they've been force-feeding us for a little while." He went on to accuse Twitter of hypocrisy for censoring his tweet while Chinese officials are able topost "disinformation" about the coronavirus with no consequences.

"Because I have a large platform,I'm canceled," Trump Jr. added."You know who else got thrown outof Twitter for the same offense?Sidney Powell, who happens to beMichael Flynn's attorney andsomeone who has been sticking itto the left."

Carlson chimed inthat the issue must be fixed through federal legislation.

"If I see anotherRepublican officeholder backedby Google and the Chamber of Commerce lecture me that it'snot really censorship becausethe government isn't doing it, I'mgoing to go bananas," the host said.


The president's son concluded the interview by knocking House Judiciary Committee Chairman JerroldNadler, D-N.Y., for reminding Republicans on the committee to wear their masks even as his hung below his face.

"This is typical Democrat," Trump Jr. said,"doas I say and not as I do."

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Trump Jr. bashes Twitter over suspension: 'This never happens to ... the left. It only hurts conservatives' - Fox News

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