NSASpying.com — Resources to STOP NSA spying

What does the NSA andPresident Obama say about its spying program? Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper (above), denied the NSA possesses the powers ascribed to it by whistleblower Edward Snowdon. He told media outlets on June 10th, 2013, that not only was the NSA "not spying" on Americans, the "real problem" are the "whistleblowers".

The Obama Administration, NSA, CIA, Naval intelligence and DHS (Department of Homeland Security) view you as the threat, not themselves!

President Obama assured the PRISM program wasn't doing "much" harm to civil liberties anddeclared,

Did Shia LeBeouf reveal the truth in 2008?

A video clip has emerged online that reveals the truth about NSA spying.

Apparently, actor Shia LeBeoufknew long before any of the rest of us just what the NSA is up to. In 2008, during anappearanceon The Tonight show, LaBeouf described in detail how the CIA/NSA/FBI apparatus is able to spy on your most intimate moments, all the time. YouTube Clip here

LaBeouf says, "We had an FBI consultant on the picture [Eagle Eye] telling me that they can use your ADT security box microphone to get the stuff that's going on in your house. Or OnStar, they can shut your car down."

"And he told me that one in five phone calls that you make are recorded and I laughed at him, and he played back a phone conversation I had two years prior to joining the picture," LaBeouf continues. "Extremely creepy."

NSASpying.com -- Resources to STOP NSA spying

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