WikiLeaks – Defend WikiLeaks

How WikiLeaks works

WikiLeaks is a transparency organisation and online publisher founded in 2006 by Julian Assange. It reveals censored and restricted materials, specialising in large data sets and has published over 10 million documents with a perfect record of authenticity.

WikiLeaks receives censored and restricted documents anonymously after Julian created the first anonymous secure online submission system for documents from journalistic sources. For years it was the only such system of its kind, but such a dropbox is now a staple of many major news and human rights organisations, with versions such as SecureDrop. The documents released by WikiLeaks have shown the inner workings of governments, corporations, trade deals, wars, and much more.

Julian Assange founded WikiLeaks to:

bring important news and information to the public One of our most important activities is to publish original source material alongside our news stories so readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth.

Key points about WikiLeaks:

WikiLeaks first began publishing source documents in December 2006 when it released documents on Somalia. One of its first major releases was the a copy of the Guantanamo Bay prison camps 2003 Standard Operating Procedures for the US Army. WikiLeaks soon released allegations of illegality by the Swiss Bank Julius Baer, Sarah Palins Yahoo emails, the secret bibles of Scientology and the membership list of the far-right British National Party.

In 2010, WikiLeaks came to global attention by publishing tens of thousands of classified documents from the United States, from the US Armys helicopter gunners in Collateral Murder to the Afghan War Diaries, the Iraq War Logs to Cablegate, the State Department diplomatic cables. This was followed in 2011 by the Gitmo Files documents on 767 of the 779 prisoners in Guantanamo Bay.

From 2012-15, WikiLeaks published the Global Intelligence Files (5 million emails from intelligence contractor Stratfor), two million files from Syrian political elites, the Saudi Cables (500,000 files from the Saudi Foreign Ministry) as well as material on Trans-Pacific Partnership and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnerships trade deals.

In 2016, WikiLeaks published the DNC Leaks over 50,000 emails and attachments from the US Democratic National Committee and the Podesta Emails 58,660 emails from Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta.

This was followed in 2017 by the publication of Spy Files: Russia and, most notably the Vault 7 series which exposes CIA hacking tools in the biggest leak in the CIAs history. In 2018, WikiLeaks released files on Amazon and on a secret arms deal in the Middle East

This is a snapshot of some WikiLeaks releases. A full list can be viewed here.

WikiLeaks, its publisher and its journalists have won many awards, including:

WikiLeaks has also been nominated for the UN Mandela Prize (2015) and, in six consecutive years, for the Nobel Peace Prize (2010-2015).

More here:
WikiLeaks - Defend WikiLeaks

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