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"Ecuador suspended Assanges communication systems in March after his pointed political comments on Twitter. Assange had tweeted messages challenging Britains accusation that Russia was responsible for the poisoning of a Russian former double agent and his daughter in Salisbury."

The bottom line here is that when Wikileaks emerged on the scene, having gained access (through relatively and widely perceived secure me...thods of anonymous whistleblowing) to the US-NATO's and other governmental power elites' secrets, its existence forced the NYT, Guardian and other mainstream media to have to choose whether their loyalties were to the truth and to their claimed professional ethic of investigative reporting, i.e. their raison d'etre in furtherance of transparency and democracy or whether their top loyalty was instead to their own imperialist governments' power interests according to what Bernstein long ago revealed of incessant CIA and other government Deep State "Mockingbird" programs and how easy it is to buy up and control sycophant reporters who also make millions in profits from their governments' wars of aggression and other corporate greed. The good investigative reporters like Risen et al, what few were left, were torn for a time, given this inherent conflict of interest. But over time have gradually chosen, like moths to the light, to gravitate to the interests of perceived Power-Wealth and to abandon their old investigative ethic, support for equality under the law and First Amendment freedom of the press.

This choosing up of sides took longer than some would have imagined given how controlled the MSM is and how pervasive the Pentagon's, CIA's et al's "perception management" and psy-ops programs are. Perhaps some heads of the Press and Reporters Committee First Amendment champions were still struggling in their own minds to rationalize such overt abandonment of ethics for $$$$ and power or the simple recognition that their goal was hopeless but eventually the switch was complete. So unfortunately at this point, there is a valid fear that Assange's days are numbered.

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