Wikileaks document shows contradictory reports of Bergdahl’s capture

WASHINGTON, June 6 (UPI) --WikiLeaks has released a document containing intercepted Taliban communication stating that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl had not left the base when he was captured.

The document suggests that Bergdahl was relieving himself when he was taken by Taliban militants.

"We were attacking the post he was sitting taking expletive he had no gun with him," the document reads under an entry from July 1, 2009.

It is the same document referenced in a 2012 Rolling Stone article by the late Michael Hastings, titled "America's Last Prisoner of War", that suggest Bergdahl's actions had little to do with his capture.

The document contradicts itself, it also reports that "an American Soldier with a camera is looking for someone who speaks English."

Bergdahl is currently recovering and is receiving medical care at a military hospital. A military review conducted after his capture suggests he simply left base at night.

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Wikileaks document shows contradictory reports of Bergdahl's capture

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