Teenager confronts House Minority Leader on NSA spying …

WASHINGTON, June 3 (UPI) --A teenager confronted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi about the NSA's spying activities on Monday.

Andrew Demeter, a self-described investigative reporter who runs the TeenTake Youtube channel, asked the Senator, who was initially smiling at the young people, ""Why do you support the NSA's illegal and ubiquitous data collection?"

The smile quickly faded from the Senator's face.

"Well I, I do not, I have questions about the metadata collection that they were, uh, collecting," Pelosi replied, "unless they had a reason to do so."

Two women, possibly the Senator's aids, stand in the background of the video. One looks suddenly anxious and the other cracks a sly and knowing smile at the question.

Both stand nervously listening to her reply.

The House Minority Leader quickly recovers by saying that she didn't support certain resolutions and that she fought the NSA on their collection processes, but Demeter follows up with, "You did vote for a bill to continue funding for the NSA, though?"

"Yeah, of course," Pelosi answers quickly. "I don't think we should not fund the National Security Agency; no, they do many, many things."

Then, as Demeter starts to ask his next question, an aid talks over him, saying "Thank you for your -- " in an attempt to cut his interview short, but Demeter won't be deterred, and raises his voice to ask Pelosi, "Isn't the NSA a clear violation of the fourth amendment?"

The House Minority Leader's answer is stammering and vague and seems to blame the Bush administration for the NSA's spying:

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Teenager confronts House Minority Leader on NSA spying ...

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