Against NSA Spying, Privacy Groups Urge Participation in “Reset the Net” on June 5th

Against NSA Spying, Privacy Groups Urge Participation in Reset the Net on June 5th

May 5, 2014

Amanda Marie

On its website, "Reset the Net" describes the problem as, "The NSA is exploiting weak links in Internet security to spy on the entire world, twisting the Internet we love into something it was never meant to be: a panopticon."

June 5th happens to be the anniversary date that the public first found out the news about the NSA spying, as leaked by Edward Snowden.

The organized groups say, "We can't stop targeted attacks, but we can stop mass surveillance by building proven security into the everyday Internet."

They have a solution to the problem and plan to, "get hundreds of sites & apps to add proven security (like SSL). Then on June 5, we'll run a splash screen everywhere to spread NSA-resistant privacy tools. The website lists what you can do right now to help.

The website also includes a video in which the groups say, "Governments are building a "prison" around the Internet, and it also mentions, "But government spies have a weakness."

If youre trending on Twitter, you can follow #ResetTheNet.

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Against NSA Spying, Privacy Groups Urge Participation in “Reset the Net” on June 5th

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