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-- St. Boniface, Cyberia |
Vae! Puto deus fio! -- Emperor Vespasian on his deathbed |
Transhumanism (>H or H+) is the belief that we can, and should,
try to overcome our biological limitations by means of reason, science, and
technology. Transhumanists seek things like intelligence augmentation, increased
strength and beauty, extreme life extension, sustainable
mood enhancement, and the
capability to get
off-planet and explore
the universe. These goals are to be achieved with the aid of contemporary
and future technologies such as genetic engineering,
and space-time
engineering, AI, and
mind uploading. In other words, (hardcore)
Transhumanists seek to become
(demi-)gods -- "persons of unprecedented physical, intellectual, and
psychological capacity. Self-programming, self-constituting, potentially
immortal, unlimited individuals." It is a fairly common belief among
transhumanists that unless we destroy ourselves first (or get wiped out by
a natural disaster), the pace of technological progress will accelerate
enormously within the first half of this century, ultimately resulting in
the birth of
intelligence. This will, in turn, trigger a period of even faster and
more profound social and technological change, after which nothing can be
reliably conceived: the Singularity.
Introductions to Transhumanism
• What is Transhumanism?, by Nick Bostrom
• Transhumanism: The Next Step?, by Patrick Inniss. Transhumanism vs Humanism.
• Transhumanism and Extropianism, by Greg Burch
• Introductory Texts about Transhumanism, compiled by Anders Sandberg
• The Transhumanist Declaration
• Principles of Extropy V. 3.11
Mailing Lists and Newsgroups
• Extropy Institute mailing lists and BBS. For everything related to (Extropian) Transhumanism. The main forum, Extropy Chat, is more or less the mother of all Transhuman mailing lists, and is still very active.
• WTA mailing lists An index of lists related to the World Transhumanist Association.
• Transhumantech "Discussion of transhumanist technologies; confluence of subscriber-contributed content (trawled from the Net and other sources)." Less philosophy, more hardcore tech.
• Technocalypse Transtopia's main (public) mailing list. Technology, philosophy, and politics. Venerable citadel of real free speech. A forum for true progressives, iconoclasts, and freethinkers.
• Transtopia
For those specifically interested in our old
autonomous island project.
The Mind Uploading
Group's mailing list. A somewhat "technical" list for anyone interested
in mind uploading.
• Nanotech
For anyone who wants to keep up to date with the latest developments in molecular
nano technology.
• CryoNet mailing list
A list for discussing matters related to cryonics, the experimental procedure
whereby patients who no longer can be kept alive with today's medical abilities
are preserved at low temperature for treatment in the future. The cryonics
equivalent of the Extropian list, and equally recommended.
• Cryonics-Euro
A list for European cryonicists. See also the
Cryonics Page.
• Prometheism-pgroup
A list related to the
Promethean movement.
Prometheism is a worldview and religion rooted in the posthuman and
self-transforming philosophy of transhuman cosmic Self-Directed Evolution. It combines
voluntary (neo-)eugenics, Libertarian philosophy, and Transhumanism, among
other things.
• Church
of Cosmotheism A list related to the
Cosmotheism movement.
Cosmotheists believe that our true human purpose is to know and to complete
ourselves as conscious Individuals and also as a self-aware species and thereby
to co-evolve with the cosmos towards total and universal awareness, and towards
the ever higher perfection of consciousness and being.
• Transhumanity
News and views from the transhumanist community, published by the World
Transhumanist Association.
AcceleratingFuture.com "This site is an information resource on the philosophical, moral, and societal implications of probable near-future technologies, and the huge opportunities they offer to human flourishing, if utilized wisely. Central topics include accelerating change, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, intelligence enhancement, the Singularity, and existential risks."
• The Society for
Venturism A nonprofit, charitable organization that was formed to
further the cause of cryonics and immortalism--the philosophy that seeks
the elimination of death through scientific means.
Initiative An international, not-for-profit high-IQ membership
association dedicated since 1996 to breeding and educating genetically-advantaged
pioneers to the stars via elective-eugenics communities: intially on-planet,
then subsequently as a 'one-stop staffing' resource for privately-funded
industrial/R&D orbital colonies. . .all by the end of the 21st Century.
• Against
Politics: Reason, Liberty, Extropy. An excellent, apparently
PC-free Transhumanist-Libertarian news and links portal.
• The Church of Mez Frivolity,
hedonism, transhumanism, and intentional living (and Burning Man,
apparently). Now defunct, but the old website is still available 'for historical purposes'.
• Artilect.org Artificial intelligence, neuroscience, physics.
• Center for
Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) The mission of CRN is to raise
awareness of the issues presented by nanotechnology: the benefits and dangers,
and the possibilities for responsible use.
• Goo
prophylaxis -- How do we prevent a nanotechnological disaster?, by
Nick Bostrom.
• Nanotechnology
Industries Various nanotech-related links.
• Institute for Molecular Manufacturing
(IMM) A nonprofit foundation formed in 1991 to carry out research
aimed at developing molecular nanotechnology.
• Suomen
Transhumanistiliitto (Finnish Transhumanist Association)
• New Jersey Transhumanist
Association (NJTA)
• Asociación
Transhumanista Venezolana (ATV) Venezuelan Transhumanist Association.
• Estropico Wop
• Ressources Transhumanistes
Francophones Frog transhumanism.
• Europäische
(Trans)Visionen Frank Prengel's review of the first European
transhumanist gathering, TransVision, which was held in '98 in the Netherlands.
Texts in German.
• TransVision
'99: Who do you want to be tomorrow? A review of the second European
transhumanist gathering in Sweden, by Frank Prengel (in German only).
• Unsterblich
im Hier und Jetzt? German article from Telepolis about
transhumanism, cryonics and immortality. Also has some links to related
• Lust
nach Laune und Leben ohne Ende...and another one, by Gundolf S.
• The Low Beyond
Various Singularity-related writings by Eliezer S. Yudkowsky.
• I
Believe the Robots Are Our Future, by Helen Virginia Leidermeye.
• Opponents
of Progress, as seen by Greg Burch.
• In Defense
of Humanity: Against Transhumanism Good for a laugh, if nothing
• Acceleration Watch
Acceleration Watch is an educational affiliate of the Acceleration Studies Foundation. Through the ASF we produce a free newsletter for strategists and futurists, helpful to understanding and managing accelerating technological change. We also promote scientific investigation, analysis, forecasting, social foresight, and careful, informed speculation on the technological singularity hypothesis.
• Transhumanism:
The New Master Race?, by Tihamer Toth-Fejel (from the Newsletter
of the • Molecular
Manufacturing Shortcut Group of the National Space Society).
• The
Extropian Creed: Can High Technology and Libertarian Politics Lead
us to a Transhuman Golden Age? By Ben Goertzel. A "humanist" critique
of Extropianism, has some interesting background info on the late Sasha Chislenko
and some other major Extropians.
• Embracing
Change with All Four Arms: A Post-Humanist Defense of Genetic
Engineering, by J. Hughes Ph.D.
• Meet
the Extropians, by Ed Regis. How it all began...Recommended!
• Freeze Head,
Save Ass: Those Uncanny Ex-Men -- you'll die before the Extropians
die, by John Whalen. A must-read for anyone interested in the (roots of)
• Brain
Tennis -- Max More vs Paulina Borsook Discussion about transhumanism
and extropy from HotWired.
• Wearables Central
Wearable Computing Links and News Archive.
• Wearcomp.org Prof.
Steve Mann's wearable computer and camera pages.
• Gallery
of Transhuman Artifacts, by Marque Cornblatt.
• The Longevity Meme
Life extension and transhumanism.
• Methusalem.com Life
extension and Bible code.
• Immortality Inc.
Some more life extension...
• Life Extension
Society (LES)...and then some. LES is a membership organization,
with most members being from the mid-Atlantic region. It aims to support
research and public education in human life extension.
• Elysian
Enterprise The Pursuit of Immortality and Divinity.
• Cyborgs and
Postmodern Bodies
• ArtFUTURE This is
the home of art and design of the future! On this site you will find visions
of the future, art created with emerging technologies, scientific art and
items of futuristic design.
• Universe Today
Space Exploration News from Around the Internet.
• Cyberlewis.com
-- Transhuman Topics
• Various science
fiction stories by Charles Stross
• The Transhuman
Links Collection Pure goddamn nostalgia -- and loads of dead links!
Transhumanism, Extropianism & Futurism
• World
Transhumanist Association (WTA)
• Transcedo Dutch
Transhumanist Organization.
• De:Trans German
Transhumanist Society.
• Svenska
Transhumanist Förbundet Aleph Swedish Transhumanist
• Transhuman and Extropic
Art Center
• Transhuman World Culture
• Immortality Inst. --
For Infinite Lifespans.
• HedWeb -- The Hedonistic
Imperative The Hedonistic Imperative outlines how genetic engineering
and nanotechnology will abolish suffering in all sentient life.
• The Singularity Institute for
Artificial Intelligence, Inc. A nonprofit corporation whose charitable
purpose is to bring about the Singularity - the creation of greater-than-human
• Singularity Action
Group "Talk is good, but action is better!"
• Betterhumans
Transhumanism-related news and resources.
• Entelechy Institute A non profit organisation for education and research. Our primary focus is on using leading edge technologies and techniques to enhance or augment intelligence. The prolongation of human life and the maintenance of quality of life by medical or other means is of course a part of that.
The late
• Alexander
'Sasha' Chislenko's Transhumanist Website
• Henry's
Future Pages Misc. Transhuman writings in English and Dutch.
• World Future
Society The World Future Society is a nonprofit educational and
scientific organization for people interested in how social and technological
developments are shaping the future.
• T.E.C.H. -- Transhumanist
/ Extropian Central Home Has many neatly categorized
Transhumanism-related links.
• Church of Virus "A
neo-cybernetic philosophy for the 21st century; a synthesis of religion and
• MindUploading.org
A central repository for the open dissemination of information for the Whole
Brain Emulation research project, as well as the official site of the Mind
Uploading Research Group (MURG) and its affiliates.
• Island One Society
A meeting place for future space colonists and business people of a libertarian
or at least live and let live bent.
• The Foresight Institute
Nanotechnology information center.
• Alcor Life Extension
Foundation Cryonics organization.
• CryoNet Home of the
main cryonics mailing list.
• The Life Extension Foundation Food supplements & more.
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