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Island Project |
This page is from the "early days" (roughly '97) of the Transtopia Project,
when its primary aim was to create a Transhuman/pseudo-Libertarian island community;
initially on an existing island in the Bahamas, and later on an artificial
structure in international waters. The latter would be a truly autonomous
micronation. Since then this group has realized, however, that a socio-technological
Singularity --or at least a dramatic and potentially (very) dangerous acceleration of technological progress-- may be relatively imminent, and has adapted Transtopia
accordingly; see the Intro and
Singularity Club pages for further details.
The original Island Project, though no longer the primary focus of these pages, has
not been terminated, however. It could be an interesting experience, after
all, as well as a powerful catalyst for other plans and projects. The island
-or Flotilla- is now simply one of several items
on the Transtopian wish list.]
Private Island - Original PlanIf & when we've raised enough money via online businesses, and/or other means, we'll buy a tropical island, probably in the Bahamas (a prime candidate was Cockroach Cay, an 80 acre, US $ 840,000 island located in the Berry Islands group, Bahamas -- see picture below), a couple of boats and auxiliary equipment. Estimated grand total: US $ 1,000,000, to be split among 50 - 100 people. Some basic rules & contracts would have to be made regarding the collective use of the island, dwellings, and auxiliaries, but basically group members could come and go as they please and do whatever they want, as long as they don't harm the others, damage property, wreck the environment, or somehow endanger the project.
MicronationIn a later phase we could consider founding a truly autonomous micronation, located on an artificial island somewhere outside the 200 mile Exclusive Economic (maritime) Zone of neighboring countries. Ideally, it would be contructed from floating ( Oceania & Seastead.org) or fixed (New Utopia) concrete structures moored/built atop some shallow spot like a sand bank, rock formation, or coral reef. Alternatively, one or several large, soil-filled "scrap" ships could be moored or ran aground in a suitable location, thus forming an instant "village" which could later be expanded with other vessels and structures. Artificial "electric" reefs could be used to gradually cement everything together until a "real" island is formed.
Needless to say, such a truly
independent island state would offer some interesting legal and business
opportunities, for example regarding
euthanasia [combined with]
cryonics or recreational/medicational
drug use & sale,
voluntary eugenics, human
cloning, genetic engineering -- it's all possible in a place where
reason is the law. Also noteworthy is the fact that such a remote, essentially self-supporting community might even (comfortably) survive a full-blown global nuclear, chemical, and/or biological conflict. It could turn what might otherwise have been the death blow to (Western) civilization in general, and Transhumanism in particular into a catalyst for unprecedented socio-political & technological change and progress; the genesis of a rational world order.
Freedom Flotilla
It is aboard one of such ships that, perhaps, the more "radical" transhuman technologies (advanced genetic engineering, bio-mechanical enhancements, neural interfaces, AI etc.) could best be developed and experimented with; maybe even more or less "legally" if you select the right flag(s) of convenience. Likewise, you could "legally" smoke pot, own guns, freeze dead people, or pay little or no taxes if your ship is registered with the right country, and if a country's laws no longer suit you, you can simply switch flags (or ships). If, however, the main flotilla remains firmly in international waters and well away from the main shipping lanes and dominant countries' patrol zones, and isn't used as a platform for high-profile political activism, terrorism, large-scale narcotics & arms smuggling and the like, the world's governments aren't likely to care, or indeed know, about it. Just a bunch of ships, registered by different, apparently unrelated individuals in various obscure countries, that happen to meet on the high seas. In other words, once you're on the high seas you can do pretty much whatever you want as long as the Golden Rule isn't violated. If you bring your own private craft, you can have all the privacy you want (while at the same time having easy, 24/7 access to communal facilities and services located in and provided by the motherships -- see also below), and join or leave the flotilla anytime. Costs? Well, considering that very decent, used 50-100 meter seaworthy vessels can sometimes be bought for less than $300,000, $1 million, the same amount that would have been needed to get the original island project going, could go a long way. If the idea turns out to be viable, we could start out with just one or two larger, collective vessels ("motherships") and a few smaller, private ones ("satellites"). The flotilla could later be expanded whenever finances allow, and/or the need arises. It's a very flexible, modular design with virtually unlimited upgrading possibilities; a mobile, fully customized composite nation, in effect.
If you have questions, comments and general feedback regarding the project or this website, feel free to email us. If you want to get actively involved, the mailing list is the place to be. Here you can discuss both the practical and lighter sides of the project with kindred spirits.
General points
To make the project a success, these and other things must be
Extract Law of the Sea regarding EEZs and artificial islands
1. In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State shall have the exclusive
right to construct and to authorize and regulate the construction, operation
and use of: (a) artificial islands; (b) installations and structures for
the purposes provided for in article 56 and other economic purposes; (c)
installations and structures which may interfere with the exercise of the
rights of the coastal State in the zone.
Onother major point is the configuration of your ocean-based habitat. Will
it for example be a concrete island, and if so will it be fixed to the ocean
floor (on pillars), floating (with heavy, fixed anchors to keep it in place)
or a combination of the two? Other possibilities include underwater habitats,
living on a large(r) ship, which could either be some used hotel barge, a
modified container ship, tanker or trawler, or, ideally, a small/medium-sized
cruise ship.
Advantages and disadvantages per habitatI. Fixed (to the ocean floor) concrete platforms Pro: A fixed platform offers great stability, you won't get sea sick like on a ship or other free-floating structure, it has more of a real "island" feel to it, can support heavier structures, and won't sink so easily. Con: Shallow places are practically always part of someone else's territory, or at least within their 200-mile exclusive economic zone. Within this zone all "produce" of the sea and sea floor can be claimed by the country it belongs to, so you wouldn't be able to (legally) fish or mine minerals etc. near your island, and worse, the "owner" of the EEZ could exercise his legal power over your posessions, see also the legal excerpt above. Living with undoubtedly harsh taxes, plenty of government regulations, and the constant threat of confiscation and eviction is of course hardly an acceptable option for the freedom-minded. Even if your shallow spot is well within international territory, there's still the geological problem: it's probably the top of an underwater vulcano, or at least situated in a place where the continental shelves collide, forming an underwater mountain range. Certainly for Transhumanists, who take life-extension quite seriously, living on top of an old volcano of otherwise seismically unstable area isn't exactly appealing (at least, that's what one would expect; oddly enough, there's a large concentration of Transhumanists, and specifically Extropians, in the L.A. region, of all places). Some other problems inherent to fixed platforms are of course lack of mobility (but this could at least partially be fixed by having a couple of ships to do business, get supplies etc.) and the possibility that a rigid platform could be more vulnerable to bad weather than a flexible one, though this is far from certain and depends on the specific design. A final problem could be the supposed rising of the sea level (due to global warming), but, assuming that such predictions are accurate at all, this generally isn't expected to become a serious problem for at least several decades, and by then it will be a whole new ballgame (so don't worry, be happy, and carp some diem). If, however, you want to be on the safe side you can simply add a couple of extra meters to the base level of the structure.
It must be said however, that if the abovementioned problems can be
overcome, a fixed (concrete) platform is greatly preferable as a place to
live to the floating configuration or ships because it's the closest thing
to a real island. The proposed Libertarian-Futurist Principality of
New Utopia (see also
picture above) is a good example of a fixed platform setup.
Oceania Images
These images were created by architect
Jim Albea for the Atlantis Project using
Intergraph Corporation's ModelView program to render a
MicroStation 3D model. There are ten images, each of which is a different view of a computer generated model of Oceania as it might appear from an approaching helicopter or ship.
II. Floating concrete platforms Pro: Mobility (depends on the size though), one can choose from a much wider variety of locations then with a fixed platform, and move around if necessary. The stability of a concrete island would probably be much better than that of a ship, although the action of the waves could still be felt. You could relatively easily add on new structures, both horizontally and vertically; the island could really grow. Con: A floating platform could at least theoretically sink if damaged badly enough during a storm, attack, or as a result of fundamental design flaws / structural weaknesses. Also it could carry less superstructure, soil etc., and the wave action could cause discomfort to some inhabitants, as well as displacement of any non-attached objects, such as furniture, during rough seas. For more information about floating platforms, visit Seastead.org.
III. Ships Pro: Good to excellent mobility, depending on the model of your ship. Best price-product ratio: for approx. the price of one bare concrete platform you can buy a fairly large used ship that only needs some minor repairs & refitting, but is otherwise ready to be sailed and inhabited. Because even the biggest ship might get a bit cramped after a while at sea, one could practice "island hopping", sailing to an uninhabited island of choice (and there are many), and staying there for weeks, months or even years. The government that owns the place probably doesn't mind, and in any case it it's very unlikely that anyone will even bother to patrol these remote areas. And should someone come and cause trouble, you can always leave at a moment's notice (or shoot them, if they're pirates). Ideally you'd have two (or more) ships, one as a home base and one for business/supplies, but even with just one (big) ship this should be a feasible lifestyle. If you make enough money, concrete platforms or bigger ships can be bought as you go along, so that you can "settle down" if you feel the need. It might be somewhat difficult to get a ship recognized as a "nation" (but presumable not more so than a concrete platform), but a making clever use of flags of convenience combined with the ship's mobility and relative obscurity could provide a lot of "practical" autonomy; probably more so than any other realistic, near-future solution. Con: Ships can sink more easily than (large) platforms, and need constant maintenance to stay operational. Also you'd have considerable fuel costs (sails are much too cumbersome), and at least some group members would have to learn how to navigate, maintain, and operate a ship. Concrete platforms on the other hand are pretty straightforward, though they too will have to be checked & repaired every now and then. Also, there's the matter (for some) of seasickness, but this could be somewhat alleviated by avoiding rough seas as much as possible, using a well-stabilized boat (for example a twin-hulled model) and "camping" on islands as often as possible. Also there are various anti-seasickness drugs & gadgets on the market, some of which are quite effective. Maritime has a list of affordable used ships. IV. Barges Pro: Much easier to maintain than a ship because there are no engines and related equipment, just a steel hull with some kind of (possibly prefabricated) superstructure to live in. In this configuration, it's basically a house boat on steroids. By linking several barges together you can have a small town, complete with greenhouses for growing fruits, "herbs" & vegetables, a small park, a swimming pool etc. If you want to move around you can hire a tug, or (preferably) use your own. Con: Unlike concrete islands, barges rust and will need a paint job and general repairs every now and then, but this doesn't have to be a major problem. Also, a barge isn't as seaworthy as a normal ship, so you'll want to moor it in a relatively quiet spot out of the way of tornadoes and such -- in a circular atoll's lagoon, for example. Mobility-wise a barge ranks somewhere between a ship and a floating concrete structure. It could be useful as a base, but having at least one medium-sized, seaworthy ship for supply, transportation, and emergency evacuation is more or less essential. See Intership Limited for some pictures and descriptions of barges and related vessels.
V. Natural islands Pro: Best stability one can get -- unless your island is in a geologically unstable area like Hawaii, of course. Islands provide a ready platform to build on. Also they're generally better looking than a block of concrete. Con: All (known) islands fall under some government's jurisdiction, which means that true autonomy is out of the question. However, due to their relative isolation, at least some tropical islands may offer reasonably undisturbed surroundings without most of the hassles of (sub)urban life. Add to this a pleasant climate and beautiful scenery, and you have a very reasonable (temporary) compromise; natural islands could be used as an intermediate step towards "full" autonomy on the high seas. Needless to say, the local government, weather, and the island itself must be checked out thoroughly before any deal is made. Also, you'll need at least one sturdy boat for transportation, supply & security. A seaplane or chopper could also be very useful, especially in case of (medical) emergencies, and should be acquired (along with a dedicated pilot, obviously) as soon as one's budget allows.
VI. Underwater habitats Pro: Even at relatively moderate depths there is no or hardly any influence from the weather above; an underwater habitat remains stable trough just about any storm. Also you wouldn't have to worry too much about unwanted visitors, because an underwater structure is hard to detect, certainly for ordinary pirates and such.
Con: As in a submarine, a leak could quickly have disastrous consequences,
though this could be countered by compartmentalization, double hulls, emergency
breathing gear in all major quarters etc. Such measures are rather expensive
though, and the whole setup would be very cramped, much more so than a ship
or platform. Above-water structures such as a sun deck or garden could make
this kind of living more bearable, but would also at least partially compromise
the secrecy and stability of the setup. Nonetheless, underwater structures
migh be a useful addition to floating platforms or roaming ships as emergency
shelters and for recreational purposes etc.
Recommended readingThough somewhat dated, these books provide many useful tips for the beginning pioneer, and get you into the mood for adventure.
LinksPrivate Islands For Sale A collection of various atolls, islands, islets, cays and specks that are for sale on the Web. Locations include New Zealand, the Caribbean, Honduras, British Columbia & the Mediterranean. U.S. Submarines, Inc. Manufacturers of luxury subs, tourist subs, submersibles and searoom habitats. Sub-Find Commercial submarines, submersibles, habitats, and remote operated vehicles. Silvercrest Submarines Offers a range of Rovs, submarines, submersibles, and support services, to individuals, dive operators, and organisations. Maritime Sales, Inc. Has a large listing of (used) ships for sale. Some are relatively affordable. Electric Reefs When an electric current (provided by an array of solar cells) is passed through a metal frame, it triggers a chemical reaction in seawater that coats the metal with a form of limestone that corals can't resist. Eventually the metal structure should disappear beneath a multicolored forest of coral. Apart from creating or regenerating coral reefs, it should also be possible to grow, consolidate, and/or expand artificial islands with this kind of tech. Sea Sickness and how to prevent it! Some useful tips if you want to go sailing. The Islands Of The Bahamas The Official Homepage of the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism. Bahamanet "We have hundreds and hundreds of links, growing everyday, and all of them are related to The Bahamas. No one has more links than us. No one has a more accurate organization of links so you can find what you want quickly." Buildfreedom.com "This site is for anyone interested in creative, innovative, and powerful ways to enjoy more freedom and to turn their freedom expertise into advantages in all areas of life." Law Research -- Law of the Sea A very large collection of (links to) legal texts on this subject. Flags of Convenience Wikipedia entry. Includes a list of FoC countries. Micronations.net "Your source for everything micronational." Free State Project -- Liberty in Our Lifetime. "The Free State Project is a plan in which 20,000 or more liberty-oriented people will move to a single state of the U.S. -- New Hampshire, where they may work within the political system to reduce the size and scope of government. The success of the Free State Project would likely entail reductions in burdensome taxation and regulation, reforms in state and local law, an end to federal mandates, and a restoration of constitutional federalism, demonstrating the benefits of liberty to the rest of the nation and the world." Seastead.org "This is the home of the Seasteading Project, which aims to build sovereign, self-sufficient floating platforms, thus creating new territory on the oceans. Our fundamental principle is to approach this ambitious vision in a realistic manner. This includes using conventional technologies whenever possible, coming up with profitable business models, and progressing by bootstrapping through a reasonable series of steps." Oceania -- The Atlantis Project A somewhat similar libertarian project, now defunct (but the homepage is still operational and has some interesting info for pioneers). The Artemis Project A private venture to establish a permanent, self-supporting community on the Moon. Island One Society An affiliate of the Artemis Project, which is intended as a meeting place for future space colonists and business people of a libertarian or at least live and let live bent. League of the New Worlds An organization that seeks to establish a permanent presence in the oceans and space.
The Lifeboat Foundation
"A nonprofit, nongovernmental organization, dedicated to providing solutions
that will safeguard humanity from the growing threat of terrorism and
technological cataclysm. This humanitarian organization is pursuing all possible
options, including self-sustaining technologies using AI and nanotechnology,
with an emphasis on self-contained space arks."
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