Interruptions with fluid movements – The Navhind Times

Posted: February 23, 2017 at 1:11 pm

NT BUZZ Gallery Gitanjali is hosting the second session of Fontainhas Exchange, Is, Interrupted, a performance by Astri Ghosh in collaboration with Pushpanjali Sharma and Gautam Nima through poetry, movement, music and text developed in response to and in conversation with the artworks of Praveen Naiks solo exhibition at Gallery Gitanjali, Notes From The Zeitgeist. Using the gallery as a stage, poet Astri Ghosh and performing artists Pushpanjali Sharma and Gautam Nima will come together to peel through interruptions in identity, intimacy and intention. Astri Ghosh is a poet and writer. After working as a journalist for many years she turned to translation and has published 12 books in Norwegian, English and Hindi. Her translations have been included in four anthologies. She grew up in Delhi and Mussoorie, and moved to Norway to study at the University of Oslo. Astri is currently translating twelve contemporary plays of Henrik Ibsen, four of which were published in 2015. Pushpanjali Sharma and Gautam Nima are interdisciplinary performing artists based in Goa. They are engaged in developing performances and pedagogies that serve experiential knowing through embodiment, movement and dance and somatic and mind-body practices. They believe experiential learning, embodied knowing and interdisciplinary education is the way to bring about change, and this can successfully happen through non-dual practices. They use movement arts towards self-knowing, personal transformation and healing, and teach the same through their workshops. As dancers they are interested in opening dance beyond the realm of entertainment and fitness, encouraging individuals to embark on a journey of self knowing through the lived body and movement as experience. Their performance works are contemplative and philosophical in nature, exposing the unseen, unheard and unvoiced. Through their performances they work towards reducing the gap between the audience and artist and enhancing their experience by inviting them to be a part of their work through interaction and their own creative contribution.

(The performance of Is, Interrupted will be held at Gallery Gitanjali on February 22 at 6 p.m. The event is open to all).

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Interruptions with fluid movements - The Navhind Times

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