Cameron Diaz, 49, on ‘moving past’ the ‘pressure to be highly sexualized’: ‘I don’t care!’ – Yahoo Life

Posted: June 3, 2022 at 12:33 pm

Cameron Diaz has quite the optimistic outlook on getting older.

In a recent interview with Goop, the 49-year-old opened up about the pressures to be sexy, aging in the public eye and her zest for life.

"The whole concept of aging has just changed completely, even in the last 10 years, It's totally opened up. I'm excited. I've got 50 or 60 years to go. I want to live to be 110, since I've got a young child," she said.

The 49-year-old, who shares 2-year-old daughter Raddix with husband Benji Madden, is excited about growing older with her daughter and looks forward to their relationship once she is an adult.

"I think you have this amazing moment in your 40s where you appreciate who your parents are, and I want to have that moment with her be there with her in her 40s," she said.

Diaz notes she is the oldest mom in her group of friends and feels "lucky" to be in her position.

"I'm lucky to be my age, lucky to have those girlfriends, lucky to have my daughter, lucky to have all the support I do raising her," she said.

Aging has long since been a point of contention for women and being in the public eye can exacerbate societal pressures to appear youthful, Diaz explains.

"As women in our society, we spend so much time under pressure to be highly sexualized, thinking we need to be desired sexually at all times. I'm here to say I'm moving past that: I don't care!" she said.

Still, the co-founder of the wine label Avaline does acknowledge that adopting this mindset can take time.

"It's a tough society we live in. It comes with all kinds of benefits, but living in the public eye can be very damaging to your soul," she explained, adding that prioritizing all aspects of one's well-being is vital. "No matter who you are, it's important to take care of the whole person not just the visual, not just what people think of you, but all of you."

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Original post:

Cameron Diaz, 49, on 'moving past' the 'pressure to be highly sexualized': 'I don't care!' - Yahoo Life

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