WW3: Inside US ‘apocalypse machine’ that could OBLITERATE … – Daily Star

Posted: April 28, 2017 at 3:19 pm

THE USS Pennsylvania is the biggest submarine in the US navy and is capable of issuing a devastating attack of nuclear missiles.

And it might be used sooner rather than later given the escalating situation between the United States and North Korea.

The secretive nation has been displaying its military might for its tyrannical leader King Jong-Un, although some have claimed the shows are not all they seemed.

In response, Donald Trump has moved his fleet closer to North Korea, and his troops carried out drills with their South Korean allies.


He has also tested the countrys ground-based ICBM weapons, which can carry nuclear payloads up to 500kt and travel thousands of miles.

But the USS Pennsylvania has the advantage of being virtually impossible to detect and submersible for up to six months at a time at depths of 250m.

Video inside the most lethal weapon ever designed shows the highly-trained crew of the apocaplyse machine.

The nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Michigan, has docked in the South Korea port of Busan before it joins the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson on a joint naval exercise

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It has arrived at the South Korean port of Busan for a regularly scheduled port visit

The Ohio-class submarine can run for 20 years without being refuelled and can carry up to 24 Trident missiles, each capable of travelling more than 4,000 miles with a nuclear warhead.

That sort of power could annihilate an entire continent, let alone North Korea.

Last seen heading back from Guam last year, the current location of the USS Pennsylvania is unknown but its home dock is Bangor Base in Washington.

The rest is here:

WW3: Inside US 'apocalypse machine' that could OBLITERATE ... - Daily Star

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