WW3 fears: North Korea goads US with BRUTAL ‘Jellyfish’ jibe as fears of total war grow – Daily Star

Posted: April 30, 2017 at 10:37 pm

NORTH Korea has lashed out at the US in a brutal jibe possibly intended to coax Donald Trump into total war.


One of Kim Jong-un's militant propaganda papers fired shots at the US army saying: "Your army might startle a jellyfish but not us."

The startling slapdown was made as Donald Trump moves in his big guns to confront the tubby tyrant.

A vast armada led by the USS Carl Vinson is nearing the Korean peninsula and today conducted large-scale drills with the Japanese airforce.

Trump's ground troops in South Korea have also done their fair share of muscle-flexing.


Since 2008, photographer Eric Lafforgue ventured to North Korea six times. Thanks to digital memory cards, he was able to save photos that was forbidden to take inside the segregated state

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Taking pictures in the DMZ is easy, but if you come too close to the soldiers, they stop you

Your army might startle a jellyfish but not us

Five thousand US and South Korean soldiers staged military exercises on Kim's border on Wednesday.

But North Korea released a petulant message of defiance in the face of US aggression.

Such threat may startle a jellyfish, but can never work on the DPRK. The US had better recognise this," the newspaper read.


It is no more than a bluff that the US gets busy deploying nuclear carrier task forces under the eyes of the nuclear power in the East.

Fears of nuclear war are at an all-time high with the American-built THAAD missile system nearing deployment in South Korea.

On top of this, Kim Jong-un has promised weekly missile tests after the spectacular failure of his nuke launches last week.

As his people starve in gulags, North Korean tyrant Kim Jong-un is renowned for his extravagant and luxurious lifestyle. Basketball player Dennis Rodman, who spent time with the dictator, said "Everything you want, he has the best"

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Horses are a well known extravagance of the super-rich

The newspaper article said the US was trying to intimidate North Korea into freezing its nuclear war programme but vowed to continue anyway.

It would be a fatal mistake of the US to think it can browbeat the DPRK with such nuclear carrier," it continued.

It is a wicked design of the U.S. to shake the DPRK's will for increased nuclear deterrent through intensive military threat and blackmail.

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WW3 fears: North Korea goads US with BRUTAL 'Jellyfish' jibe as fears of total war grow - Daily Star

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