Russia’s remote-controlled ROBOT TANK ready for action as World War Three draws closer – Daily Star

Posted: May 2, 2017 at 11:14 pm

RUSSIA have started test-driving a gigantic, state-of-the-art robot tank as Word War Three tensions rise.

The monster machine - called The Vikhr is one of the world's biggest unmanned military robots and boasts a whole host of sophisticated gear

Footage filmed in a classified location in Russia shows The Vikhr face a range of tasks and absolutely smash them.

The gigantic 22ft-long tank operated by a man sitting at a laptop with a joystick rolls up and down hills, through grass, mud and several feet of water with absolute ease.

The Vikhr then shows off its full force by firing several rounds from its 30mm automatic gun before launching several missiles into the distance.


Other weapons available include a flamethrower and six anti-tank guided missiles.

Russia's new tank can hit speeds of up to 37mph on dry land and 6.2mph through water

The coutnry is currently the third biggest military spender in the world, according to global security resource organisation SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute).

President Vladimir Putin spent over $69.2 billion (53.4b) on the military last year, leaving them hot on the heels of the US and China.


Putin has an arsenal of state-of-the-art weaponry at his fingertips. Could this be the hardware that wages WW3?

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The T-90 tank: equipped with a 125mm smoothbore cannon and remote controlled anti-aircraft gun

World War Three looks ever closer after North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un attempted to yet another missile test, leading US President Trump to send warship USS Carl Vinson into North Korean waters.

Kim Jong-Un responded by releasing a chilling video vowing to obliterate Carl Vinson.

China launched a huge, new warship on Wednesday (April 26) as streamers and champagne were used to christen it.

US President Donald Trump then admitted a "major, major conflict" is on the cards before deploying troops to the Syria-Turkey border last night.

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Russia's remote-controlled ROBOT TANK ready for action as World War Three draws closer - Daily Star

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