Russia WW3: Putin troops deployed to EU border sparking fears of … – Daily Star

Posted: May 20, 2017 at 7:04 am

RUSSIA has rushed thousands of troops to its border with Europe as fears of a possible invasion mount.

Vladimir Putin moved more warships and fighter jets to bolster his already massive army in the baltics.

The Russian military also announced the fleet will have additional guided missile craft, fighters and support vessels by the end of the year.

NATO forces are on red alert as members are anxious over planned Russian war games in September following missile deployment in the region.


Vladimir Putin has put on an awesome display of military might with tanks and nuclear missiles rolling through downtown Moscow as World War Three tensions are at fever pitch around the world. The annual parade marks the victory over the Nazis in World War Two

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A Russian Yars RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile system rides through Red Square

The swift military buildup of the Baltic Fleet is a natural response

Defence analyst Alexander Khrolenko told the Sputnik news agency NATO can "only dream" of dominating the Baltic.

"The swift military buildup of the Baltic Fleet is a natural response on Russia's part to NATO's aggressive ambitions in the region, increased war-gaming, Baltic air policing, anti-Russian sentiments and spy fever," he said.

He added that NATO war games "simulate a hybrid war with Russia, of course".

Last week Pentagon chief Jim Matti hit back at Russian aggression saying the United States and NATO are prepared to deploy any capabilities necessary to help improve air defence systems in the Baltic region.

Russia is preparing for massive military exercises in its western military region in September, and has deployed a missile system in neighbouring Kaliningrad.

Putin has an arsenal of state-of-the-art weaponry at his fingertips. Could this be the hardware that wages WW3?

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The T-90 tank: equipped with a 125mm smoothbore cannon and remote controlled anti-aircraft gun

"We will deploy whatever capability is necessary here," Mattis said when asked about regional air defences.

"Any buildup of Russian combat power in an area where they know, and we all know, they are not threatened by anything that we are doing is simply destabilising."

Pro-Moscow analyst Khrolenko said Russia's Baltic Fleet currently consists of three diesel submarines, a destroyer, six patrol ships, six fast attack guided missile craft, six anti-submarine warfare corvettes, 12 missile boats, six amphibious assault ships, as well as six coastal minesweepers and nine inshore minesweepers.

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Russia WW3: Putin troops deployed to EU border sparking fears of ... - Daily Star

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