ICBM test launch: How Minuteman III missile could unleash hell in WW3 – Daily Star

Posted: April 27, 2017 at 2:22 am

THE US has announced it will test fire an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) today but what is it and how far can it reach?


An ICBM is a long-range guided ballistic missile with a minimum range of 5,500 kilometres.

In theory, it is thought US and North Korea which are around 8,000km apart could strike each other with an ICBM.

The primary purpose of the missile is to delivery several warheads containing nuclear weapons on multiple long range targets.

ICBM were first deployed by the Soviet Union in 1958, following by the US in 1959 and China some 20 years later.

As Donald Trump has promised to start an arms race, we take a look at the futuristic weapons being developed for the US military.

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The Lockheed Martin HULC is an exoskeleton that allows soldiers to carry loads of up to 200lbs for long distances


Peak speed for an ICMB is around 14,500mph or 6-7km/s with a 10 minute acceleration period.

At that speed an ICBM fired from Moscow could reach New York in around 20 to 30 minutes.

ICBMs can be deployed from multiple platforms, including missile silos, submarines, heavy trucks and mobile launchers on rails.

Russia's RS-24 Yars Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) can strike anywhere in the US with ten nuclear warheads, according to reports.

US nukes are like Ferraris: beautiful, intricate, and designed for high performance.

China has developed a similar platform, and the US has no way to defend against such devastating nukes.

In comparison, the US's Minuteman III ICBM carries just one warhead, and was introduced in the 1970s.

Dr. Jeffrey Lewis, publisher of Arms Control Wonk, said the US possess the most accurate nukes in the world.

He said: US nukes are like Ferraris: beautiful, intricate, and designed for high performance.

Experts have said the plutonium pits will last for 100s of years."


The US have contraversially began installing the THAAD anti-ballistic missile system on South Korea in a bid to nip Kim Jong-un's budding nuclear capability in the bud. The move has seen tensions between the US and North Korea soar to new heights

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A truck is seen carrying parts required to set up the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system that had arrived at the Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, South Korea

US military personnel will test fire the deadly Minuteman III ICBM at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California between 12-6am (UK time) on Wednesday April 26.

Air Force Global Strike Command confirmed it will carry out the test to ensure the effectiveness, readiness and accuracy of the weapon.

Read more:

ICBM test launch: How Minuteman III missile could unleash hell in WW3 - Daily Star

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