Tasmanians react to drug decriminalisation calls – Tasmania Examiner

Posted: March 21, 2017 at 12:27 pm

A second former senior Tasmania Police officer has thrown his support behind a national push for drug law reform.

YOUR SAY: Tasmanians react to a new report pushing for drug decriminalisation.

Another former Tasmania Police officer has thrown his support behind a national push for widespread drug law reform.

Former police commander Ivan Dean said it was time toaddress what he described asone of the biggest issues facing the country.

The current strategies arent working - we just need to take a very strong look at this whole thing and try and make changes that are contemporary, he said.

It would need to be a fairly widespread reform - there are some drugs we can never accept and never decriminalise, but there are areas in which we need a different perspective.

There oughtto be some sort of committee, in my view it needs to be a body of people with the background and the knowledge to be able to look at this issue very closely.

Mr Deans comments followthe launch of a new report pushing drug decriminalisation, which has been supported by senior police, prison officers and lawyers includingformer Tasmania Police Commissioner Jack Johnston.

The Australia 21 report, officially launched on Monday, recommends national change which wouldreduce criminal control of the drug market.

The report claims that Australias current war on drugs approach is flawed, and failing to achieve its intended results.

While law enforcement will always be important to managing illicit drug use the focus should not be on whether a user has taken or possesses these drugs for personal use but rather on associated criminal or antisocial behaviour, the report read.

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Tasmanians react to drug decriminalisation calls - Tasmania Examiner

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