Letter: The failed ‘war on drugs’ divides country – Rockford Register Star

Posted: February 7, 2017 at 8:50 am

The failed war on drugs is another major factor in dividing the country, even though opinion on the issue is not particularly divided along party lines.

The illegal drug trade makes gangsters rich and powerful. The resulting damage to peoples lives, crime, gang violence and other related misconduct fuels conservatives anger and their general dissatisfaction with the state of the world.

Many conservatives, as well as liberals, do realize the war on drugs has been a catastrophic failure. Steps to legalize marijuana are baby steps in the right direction. But, support for the solution ending the prohibition and legalizing all those currently illegal drugs is not sufficiently widespread in either party.

One reason I vehemently oppose the promotion and spread of legal gambling (e.g. as a source of tax revenue) is that one of the main goals, and potential benefits, of legalization is supposed to be getting rid of the pushers and pimps.

Street gangs, biker gangs, mobsters, drug cartels and terrorists are all often financed by the illegal drug trade, increasing their power and influence. And, they all tend to be racist organizations, each gang usually being of a single race which feeds the racial prejudice of others.

Mark Holmboe, Rockford

Original post:

Letter: The failed 'war on drugs' divides country - Rockford Register Star

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