District Town Officers to assist with tax and drugs awareness – Matangi Tonga

Posted: November 30, 2019 at 9:47 am

District Town Officers, Town Officers, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Revenue & Customs staff, Nuku'alofa. 26 November 2019.

District Town Officers and Town Officers will start promoting tax awareness and assist government with the war on drugs, after the Ministry of Revenue and Customs (MoRC) requested support at a Tax Awareness Program held on 26 November inNukualofa.

MoRC Acting CEO Mr Maamaloa Fotofil and staff explained the core functions of the ministry to the officers who will promote the information to the community through their fono meetings, kava social groups and other gatherings including churchfunctions.

The officers were also expected to advise their communities on any related Revenue and Customs matters they come across. This included compliance with business registration, especially for those who are running businesses without a licence to avoid payingtaxes.

In fighting the war on drugs, the officers will assist the government by monitoring their communities for evidence of the import or dealing of illicitdrugs.

During the program, it was agreed that both parties would continue to meet twice a year in March and August on an annualbasis.

Tax awareness programs will be held separately in all villages from April to June everyyear.

The program links to the Tax Week theme 'Smart borders for a prosperous Tonga' which was celebrated inOctober.

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District Town Officers to assist with tax and drugs awareness - Matangi Tonga

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