Virtual reality: prepare for the revolution – AndroidPIT

Posted: February 9, 2017 at 6:13 am

VR technology development is thriving and is attracting a lot of interest from both manufacturers and users alike. We're only at the beginning of the VR era and things are still a little complicated, but the future still looks very promising.The Japanese are taking it to the next levelas they are hopingto add a whole new dimension to the technology: smell.

We recently saw that some people have hadsomedifficulties acceptingVR: itcan cause headaches and nausea, few people are interested in it due tothe small number of apps, but the main problem is obviously theprice. It will take time for VR to become more accessible,and thats not necessarilya bad thing as by that time the technologywill be far more superior to what we have at the moment.

Some developers are alreadyon the lookoutfor solutions to these problems, whileothers are venturing even further again. A Japanese company is currently trying to make virtual reality even more realistic by adding another sense to accompany hearing and sight: smell. The VAQSO VR is a small device made up of cartridges, each of which contain a specific smell. Depending on your preferred VR adventures, the device will release certain smells to pull you even further into the game. The technology obviously isn't perfect, as it is still in the development stages, but it does have potential.

AsCNEThas recently pointed out, smell is already associated with VR in many specific situations.We're hopingthat we'll see something a little more interesting than just sex and pets in this respect (Oh, and please refrain from writing you'd need to test both at the same time in the comments).

Sight and sound are the primarysenses usedin any video game experience, and there's every chance that smell will also be used too one day. That just leaves touch and taste to be implemented to achieve a rounded VR experience. Theoretically, touch would beeasy to integrateas you already touch the controller to interact with the game. That said, if we want a FPS game whereyou can fire a gun, you'll need more than just a controller. Hereyou'd need a number of other accessories and different kinds of controllers, the number ofwhich would most likelyincrease over time.

Being able to taste test a meal before eating it is an interesting idea.

What do you think?

Taste is much more complex as this wouldinvolvea direct interaction inside the body - meaning you would have to putsomething in your mouth. Other than using an external accessory that is optimized for this purpose (which isnt very practical), I cant think of any other strategies. With that said, I cant imagine how taste would be useful in games or sightseeing tours. Perhaps it could be used by confectionery businesses or other catering companies to showcase their products? This is purespeculation, of course.

How do you envisage the future of VR? Do you think the technology will one day have a full sensory experience for its users? Let us know in the comments below.

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Virtual reality: prepare for the revolution - AndroidPIT

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