Victimless Crimes (1990) – IMDb

Posted: July 29, 2016 at 3:18 am

I have to classify this as one of the more enjoyable movies I have watched. But thats just me.

And I love a good interesting 80's thriller.

My opinion stems from my experience of the film being immersed in a plot that is simmering and yet not too hot, just relaxed enough to make the pace of the movie good to watch on one of those days where you can't be bothered what the hell your watching! And also another interest of mine is that of the main subject; art (esp 'modern' art). These factors made it quite enjoyable overall for me and I would recommend it for viewing if you feel you may be similarly inclined.

The movie starts off in the thick of one of Louise's action/suspense- packed gallery-raids (for a modern painting that her husband Terry, played by Craig Berko - who is also in on, and perhaps the most part of, the malevolent force behind the raids - calls 'talentless').

From this outset, you kind of begin to touch on the shadow of a doubt that here is a very judgemental and angry man.

Louise, played brilliantly by Debra Sandlund, although engaged in despicable acts of robbery, comes across as lithe and intelligent and caring.

As the movie progresses we begin to understand that the pressure that Louise's husband puts on her to steal more, and do more, is undue and the audience receives that verification often into the film.

Peter Hawley made everything about this movie awesome for me; the music, the plot, the acting and the biting use of swearing ("We don't have to do a f**king thing Terry!")

As a character, I saw Louise progress from a naivete into a woman who is mature enough to seem actually repentant for her mistakes, then take responsibility for having become involved with a disturbed man who shows the ultimate disrespect and contempt for other people's art.

Louise undertakes a gradual transformation, and eventual emancipation from Terry's sway which I found a very important aspect of what made this movie so watchable.

In the end, she basically just walks out on him; and he deserves it. And as an audience, I indulged that gratification! Although, I couldn't help feeling sorry for him; he is so obviously feeling afraid.

Everything about this movie just soars for me. The effort of the individual players, invested into their acting just transcribes dramatically into the feature.

In the beginning I was afraid that it seemed to be turning into something tacky but how wrong I was! Regardless of me being a late 80's child, it is the production value mixed with the story that makes this movie a rare gem from a lesser known period.

I have only watched it a few times but every time it just gives me so much enjoyment.

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Victimless Crimes (1990) - IMDb

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