Vaping associated with risk of sight loss – AOP

Posted: January 19, 2022 at 10:52 am

A US study has found that current e-cigarette users were 34% more likely to experience visual impairment than those who had never vaped

A new study published in American Journal of Ophthalmology has highlighted a link between vaping and the risk of developing visual impairment.

Researchers reviewed the data of 1,173,646 US adults aged 18 and older who were asked if they were blind or had serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses.

The group were also questioned about whether they were former or current users of e-cigarettes, or had never used the device.

The scientists found that those who were current e-cigarette users had a 34% higher risk of being visually impaired when compared to those who had never tried e-cigarettes.

Former e-cigarette users had a 14% higher risk of visual impairment than those who had never vaped.

The authors qualified their research by highlighting: Given the strong association between tobacco smoking and other behaviours like alcohol use, a future study is needed to determine the independent risk of e-cigarette smoking on visual impairment

A previous study published in Optometry and Vision Science in 2019 explored whether there was a connection between dry eye disease and e-cigarette use.

Comparing a group of 21 vapers to 21 non-smokers, researchers found that the e-cigarette users displayed moderate-to-severe symptomatic dry eye and poorer tear film quality compared with non-smokers.

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Vaping associated with risk of sight loss - AOP

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