Sunderland City Council elections 2023: Meet the candidates for … – Sunderland Echo

Posted: April 30, 2023 at 11:41 pm

(Clockwise from top left) Kathryn Brown, Sam Cosgrove, Paul Leonard and Harry Trueman.No picture was provided for Andrew Bex.

With council elections just around the corner, were shining the spotlight on Sunderlands candidates in the run-up to polling day.

Voters are due to head to polling stations on Thursday, May 4 to either re-elect or replace holders of around a third of seats on Sunderland City Council.

All candidates have been given the opportunity to tell readers why theyre standing and why you should vote for them.

Heres what candidates in the Washington West ward have to say:

*Candidates are listed in the order they appeared on Sunderland City Councils list of candidates at the close of nominations.*

Andrew Bex (Liberal Democrat)

Wearside Liberal Democrats are providing a positive alternative to decades of the same party being in charge of Sunderland Council.

Liberal Democrat councillors are a strong opposition voice on the council fighting for a fair deal for Washington and Springwell village which has been neglected by council bosses for too long.

Successful campaigns by local Lib Dems have seen free pest control services introduced and the 25 replacement wheelie bin fee axed.

Lib Dems believe instead of wasteful spending on councillor allowances or renting new council offices costing 2.5 million a year, council bosses need to improve and invest in basic services like street cleaning, tackling litter and flytipping, clamping down on anti- social behaviour and repairing our crumbling roads and pavements.

Local Lib Dems are also campaigning to get the council to listen to local people on issues like saving the National Glass Centre and bringing back Sunderland Airshow.

Kathryn Brown (Reform UK)

If elected I pledge to put the people of Washington West first and ensure our public money is spent more efficiently in our area.

I have lived in Washington all my life and I have seen the steady decline in Washington over the years, regardless of the government in Westminster it is the current failing council who are responsible for the decline.

I truly believe I can make a difference and be a voice for the people who cant be heard in the area.

I support the Reform UK plans to give Washington its own town council, and Reform UK will deliver a referendum on this issue.

This would devolve local decision-making to the area, and a town council will see local democracy working for the people of Washington.

Samantha Cosgrove (Conservative Party)

As your local candidate for Washington West, Im working hard for our community which I believe deserves someone to give residents a voice and restore pride in Washington.

Every community needs someone who lives here, as I do, to be aware of local issues and local services available.

I volunteer for the local community hub and help run the communitys social media page. Im also involved in other community pages within the west ward.

Since I began as a candidate last year, I have reported over 50 issues including: fly-tipping, replacement street signage, potholes, securing developers taking ownership and of maintenance of land.

Ive worked alongside Gentoo in facilitating the use of a community room where myself and other volunteers hosted an amazing jubilee celebration for the local senior residents and we have some amazing community family days planned for the future.

Vote Sam Cosgrove on 4th May.

Paul Leonard (Green Party)

I am a family man with three children and have lived in Sunderland or Washington all my life.

I work in the renewable energy industry as an offshore engineer. Renewable energy is very close to my heart. I believe it can help us tackle climate breakdown and pollution on an international level while providing good quality employment.

I also believe it is part of the answer to the cost-of-living crisis.

As a councillor, I would campaign for the council to stop investing in fossil fuels and instead invest in community owned renewable energy sources.

These could provide cheaper energy to residents and businesses and attract new investment to the area.

More money in peoples pockets would provide a boost to the local economy.

It would give me great pride to represent our community and be involved in such positive changes. Vote Green for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Harry Trueman (Labour Party)

Ive lived in Sunderland all my life, working at Pyrex glass company for 13 years, then at BT for 25 years until retirement.

Ive been honoured to represent Washington West, and with your support wish to continue to work and support the residents of the ward.

I have been a governor on special need schools for more than 20 years and have experience of every workings of the council.

With my ward colleagues I will continue to support our community organisations, who do a great job, and our great volunteers who litter pick and support those in need.

We are all facing rising heating and fuel costs, some are struggling to put food on the table and sadly food banks are growing in number. I will continue to support our food banks.

I care passionately about our residents health and wellbeing and ask for your support in the local elections.

Caption: Collage image (Clockwise from top left) Kathryn Brown, Sam Cosgrove, Paul Leonard and Harry Trueman. No picture was provided for Andrew Bex.

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Sunderland City Council elections 2023: Meet the candidates for ... - Sunderland Echo