Well, this sure would be nice if it turns out to be true. AestheticGamer aka DuskGolem, who previously provided accurate leaks about the Resident Evil 3 remake and Resident Evil 7's Not a Hero DLC, says that Konami reached out to developers to pitch two new Silent Hill games. Konami apparently wanted one to be a soft reboot, and the other an episodic game in the style of Telltale or Until Dawn.
According to AestheticGamer Konami started soliciting pitches for these games "about two years ago" and although he believes they're still in development, as he says in a follow-up tweet, "I don't know where these projects are at now or if they'll come into fruition." The Rely On Horror website suggests that they've heard "from our own independent source that a Silent Hill project is in development." So fingers crossed, I guess.
The last Silent Hill game released on PC was Homecoming back in 2009. In 2014 a playable teaser for a new entry called Silent Hills, being directed by Hideo Kojima, was released on PS4, but a year later was canceled.
Here's Why Silent Hill belongs on PC.
Thanks, Eurogamer.
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Rumor: Two Silent Hill games are currently in development - PC Gamer