Newsweek: Most of the World wants to move on from Ukraine – Modern Diplomacy

Posted: April 30, 2023 at 11:41 pm

The bulk of the worlds countries want to move on, even if that means Russia keeping some Ukrainian land in exchange for guns falling silent, Newsweek notes.

Yes, the United States and its G7 allies wrapped up their foreign ministers meeting in Karuizawa, Japan this week on a note of strength and unity. Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi, who facilitated the gathering, couldnt help but brag about its success during the closing press conference, stressing that the strength of the solidarity between the G7 foreign ministers is at a level not seen before.

The joint communiqu issued by the group covered many topics of concern, from the Mideast peace process and Taiwan, to climate change and economic security. At the very top of the list was the war in Ukraine, and it was the very first topic the G7 addressed in its communiqu. Strongly condemning Russia, the G7 went on to reconfirm its support for Ukraine for as long as it takes and to providing sustained security, economic, and institutional support to help Ukraine defend itself, secure its free and democratic future

That phrase, for as long as it takes, wasnt accidental or plucked out of thin air. The Biden administration invoked this same expression on countless occasions since the war began nearly 14 months ago, partly to disabuse Russia of the notion that a longer war would serve its interests.

The U.S. is not only looking for a Ukrainian win, but a result that will atrophy Russian military power to the point where other would-be aggressors determine that wars of conquest arent worth pursuing.

Much of the rest of the world doesnt view the war in Ukraine as a high stakes game between good and evil. The U.S. and most of Europe prefer an unambiguous Russian defeat and are doing their best to expedite the heavy, land-based military systems that will make or break Kyivs looming counteroffensive against dug-in Russian positions in the east.

But countries outside the Western orbit are far less interested in Russia walking away from the war in disgrace than they are in stopping the war itself. This isnt a new phenomenon; countries like India, South Africa, and Indonesia expressed their preferences on a negotiated solution very early on. Yet the temptation to cease the fighting is getting stronger.

Brazilian President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva is one of those leaders who has sought to maintain a neutral position on the conflict. He has refused Washington and Kyivs requests to send Ukraine armored vehicles, aircraft, air-defense systems and mortar shells, actions that would upend Brazils traditional foreign policy of staying far away from conflicts in other regions. This is as much a matter of principle for Lula as it is a point of personal pride he wants to be the statesman who can bring Russia and Ukraine to the negotiating table.

Its in some ways similar to a diplomatic proposal unveiled by Mexico during last years U.N. General Assembly, in which a multi-country High-Level Caucus for Dialogue and Peace in Ukraine would support the U.N. Secretary Generals mediation efforts. The Ukrainian government vocally condemned Mexicos idea.

Iraq, too, offered its diplomatic assistance. During Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kulebas trip to Baghdad, his Iraqi counterpart, Fuad Hussein, said his country is ready to be in service of peace.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made similar comments in the past, and African heads of state ritualistically cite the urgency of negotiations to anyone who will listen.

China also publicized its own list of peace principles in February, centering on a ceasefire in service of a diplomatic agreement to end the war.

Ukraine and its partners in the West have largely dismissed these offers as unnecessary and even counterproductive. The reaction was especially stern in the case of Chinas initiative, which to be fair wasnt a serious peace plan. But if Ukraines counteroffensive stalls or turns out to be less than meets the eye (as U.S. intelligence leaks speculate), the U.S. wont be able to reject diplomatic entreaties as quickly and casually as it is today.

Impatience with the war in the non-Western world is already high, and there is no doubt constituencies within the U.N. would like to focus on other pressing humanitarian problems that have been sidelined as a result of the Ukraine conflict.

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Newsweek: Most of the World wants to move on from Ukraine - Modern Diplomacy