In 2011 Pytellek was arrested when he refused to respond to his name being called as a defendant, claiming that he was in fact the administrator of the estate of Mark Pytellek.
Solutions Empowerment also has links to recent anti-lockdown efforts by an Australian mixed martial arts studio that led to a confrontation with police.
At the conclusion of the May 2 video, Anthony Golle thanked Solutions Empowerment and other anti-vaccine and sovereign citizen groups and campaigners for their help in the first stage of a three-stage campaign to roll back vaccination rules.
"We're not all siloed doing separate things, we're trying to create a life where we don't have these overbearing rules in places, so that we can make free choices and live the lives that we want to," he said.
Its not known how many people have used the document creator, nor how much money it has raised. The Golles, Pytellek and Armstrong did not respond to questions from BuzzFeed News about how many people have used the service.
A video posted on Solutions Empowerment's Vimeo account showing people how to complete and send the forms has been viewed more than 1,200 times.
If the comments section is anything to go by, people are contributing. Dozens of comments thank the Golles and say theyve used the document creator and donated.
"Must do this tomorrow," one Facebook user wrote, "will be $5 well spent.
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