Home | Transhumanistic Imagination

Posted: March 6, 2016 at 8:40 pm

The Technological Singularity: A Crucial Event in God's Self-Actualization?, with Michael Zimmerman (The Transhumanist Imagination Lecture Series March 20, 2014)

"Lecture to address religious roots of technological visions"(ASU News - March 17, 2014)

The Singularity: Film Screening and Conversation, with film director Doug Wolens, Transhumanist Imagination project directors Hava Tirosh-Samuelson and Ben Hurlbut, and professors Andrew Pilsch and Clark Miller (March 4, 2014)

The Transhumanist Imagination: Innovation, Secularization, and Eschatology, a Workshop with John Evans, Nassar Zakariya, Ben Hurlbut, and Margo Lipstin (December 13, 2013)

"Workshop to explore influence of religion on scientific imagination"(ASU News -December 11, 2013)

"Transhumanism: A Secularist Re-Enchantment of the World?",by Franc Mali, Christopher Coenen, and Hannah Weinhardt. A report from the international research symposium, Imagining the (Post-) Human Future: Meaning, Critique and Consequences, heldJuly 89, 2013, at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (November 2013)

Governance, Progress and Converging Technologies, with Brice Laurent, Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation (The Transhumanist Imagination Lecture Series April 8, 2013)

Technologies of Imagination: Fifty Years Beyond Man and His Future, Various Speakers, Arizona State University (April 5, 2013)

Vannevar Bush, Endless Frontiers, and Human Enhancement, with Gregg Zachary (The Transhumanist Imagination Lecture Series February 25, 2013)

"ASU receives grant to study transhumanism, religion, and innovation"(ASU News - October 31, 2012)

"Building better humans? New book explores transhumanist scenarios"(ASU News - October 31, 2012)

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