Haze and … Psyop? 28.11.2012 – Video

Posted: November 30, 2012 at 5:41 pm

Haze and ... Psyop? 28.11.2012
Dimethylsulfid: I don #39;t remember where I found exactly this substance first mentioned...but then I found many documents where this is namely mentioned. This is the main CCN (CloudCreatingNucleus) above oceans where phytoplankton plays a maajor role...I found some sides where it is said that the natural phytoplankton-cloudseeding cycle was interrupted, due to manmade damages. well now we know they did this big geoengineering experiment in British Columbia. the excessive phytoplankton produces tons of DMS this is altering to DMSO...could it be possible that this is the wanted effect: making the nanoparticulates drugs and viruses pass through more efficiently...? Just my own thought when reading all the informations...I think most of my viewers agree with my point of view that all that "geoengineering for mitigation of climatechange" is just the stage where they roll on their dark transhumanist terraforming agenda with the aim of TOTAL control...in all meanings and especially politically. Sometimes I wonder if we didn #39;t just pass over this and just being able to save a little rest of individuality and singularity...maybe the ones that all their life felt being a different I don #39;t know. So we are just observing ... ? Isn #39;t all effort to stop this in vain? Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an organosulfur compound with the formula (CH3)2SO. This colorless liquid is an important polar aprotic solvent that dissolves both polar and nonpolar compounds and is miscible in a wide range of ...From:rabiataclaraViews:0 0ratingsTime:06:31More inScience Technology

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Haze and ... Psyop? 28.11.2012 - Video

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