Transhumanism: The Scientific Pursuit of The Supernatural …

Posted: March 2, 2015 at 6:45 pm

Did you know that there is a direct link between fallen angels, Biblical giants, pagan mythology, and modern transhumanism? The current scientific interest in transhumanism can be traced back to the ancient past, in which we find supernatural motives behind the idea of creating a transcendent man. In fact, that is where the word Transhumanism comes from. It is a combination of the words transcend + human. If you believe that this is the stuff of fantasy, please be aware that this is based on real science and has also inspired the new movie, Lucy. The origins of modern transhumanism use to be in figuring out how to combine humans with animals or humans with plants. But, now with our current level of technology, we are looking at ways to combine man and machine in order to transcend what man currently is. Combining all three is also a very big possibility as well. Below youll find videos and links to all kinds of resources. Make sure you check them out.

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Transhumanism and Genetic Armageddon

The push toward transhumanism could be the beginning of the end of the human race as we know it. This FREE 106 page ebook reveals the hidden agenda behind the drive to be more than human.

When we talk about hybridization, what we are referring to is taking two different things and combining them into a new thing. That seems like a great place to start. Lets look at the origins of hybridization.

In Matthew 24:37 Jesus told the disciples that the end of the age would be similar to the days of Noah. It was in the days of Noah that the Watchers first began to lust after human women. This lust turned into the sinful action of having children with them, which was against Gods will (2 Peter 2:4). Genesis 6:1-4 fully explains how the concept of a supernaturally inspired super human begins to take shape. Lets look at these verses in three different translations so that you can get a good grasp on this concept:

Go here to read the rest: Transhumanism: The Scientific Pursuit of The Supernatural


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Transhumanism: The Scientific Pursuit of The Supernatural ...

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