Morgellons Moving Fibers, In The Environment, Transhumanism, Nano Fibers Getting Into Our Skin – Video

Posted: September 7, 2012 at 11:56 pm

28-06-2012 18:29 More Moving fiber, I was able to capture with my camera. Most times, I get this stuff under my scope, see it move for a moment and by the time I get my camera set up or turned on, the fiber stops moving. Every now and then, I get to show you what I see and why I believe we are being sprayed with these things. They are alive and all over. I recently put out a piece of tape for a week and it collected some of these fibers...from the air. They're tiny, but can attach and grow into a larger bunch. They can even attach to us and love to try...then they're able to get inside us! I've even found a few half way in my skin! They are so small (like a grain of sand) so many would never notice their existence. I believe they're meant to make us transhuman or turn our DNA to GNA. I also believe this is a manmade, satanic assisted, all out, demonic attack and starts with an envelope of a metal particle being chemsprayed..."smart dust". Look it up. It's the shape of a Hexagon (ancient satanic symbol to place a hex on someone). The smart dust is mostly a combo of aluminum, barium, strauntium and biological organisms that have been genetically alterted (like the one in this video) to be smaller than hair and able to enter our bodies for programming (to come at a later time). Some who don't make the transition into transhumanism and reject the new blood (blood is sacred and spiritual; so is our genetic code...DNA) will not be so valuable and victims of population reduction. See Ted Turner ...

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Morgellons Moving Fibers, In The Environment, Transhumanism, Nano Fibers Getting Into Our Skin - Video

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