Morgellons, Hexagons, Transhuman, Chemspray and More – Video

Posted: September 7, 2012 at 11:56 pm

07-05-2012 00:02 Notice how the stuff growing off the hexagon sticks to the metal paper clip I use to try and remove it? This stuff tries to stick to and invade out bodies. We bring it from outside, on our shoes, pets, clothing, from our cars etc...I find these things all over the place...various cities etc...This was from my local grocery store floor. They are tiny, shiny hexagrams or squares (those may be smashed hexograms) and you can find them once you know what to look for. The different colors could indicate different stages of the unfolding of these things. Some are larger than others and the colors seem to be the same as the main colors of the Morgellons fibers! All seem to have a goo attached. I believe this is the biological agent attached to aluminum (to control global warming and kill us (population control) also there is barium and the biological agent that probably causes Morgellons and/or other illnesses (more population control) . If you pay attention, you will eventually see the planes criss cross over your sky line. They have no destination and simply fly back and forth leaving streams of chem poison. They can't be up to any good, as they won't even admit to what they are doing...but watch the you tube video, "What in the world are they spraying on us!" I wish they would have tested for the biological agents. Wanting to warn the world is a heavy burden I carry. It's worth it to me, if only one person will listen. Thanks for watching.

Originally posted here:

Morgellons, Hexagons, Transhuman, Chemspray and More - Video

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