Morgellons Fibers Moving Transhumanism at the Door, NWO Taking Over – Video

Posted: September 7, 2012 at 11:56 pm

06-05-2012 23:28 It's interesting that someone suggested the purple fibers might be the blue and red mating! I am on board with that as a possibility. Thanks for passing along the great observation. It seems the NWO (New World Order) is at the door and they are not knocking to come in, they are busting ithe door down and releasing these live GMO, nano bots to get inside us, track us, steralize us for population control and if we are too weak (to convert from organic beings to transhumans,) they may even kill us. You don't have to believe me. Truth is not subjective. It's like the bible and God's prophesy, it will happpen, even if we don't want to believe it. Truth remains matter what you believe. I happen to believe God's Hoily word is the truth. I also know someone is spraying something on us, that's meant to alter us. I am not doing well with this stuff getting inside my body and I have figured out, it's in the blood of everyone...even if they have no negative symptoms. There's no where to hide. It's all about faith in God (Jesus), Love toward others and taking care of yourself. This is all you can do, We've have made our government too rich and powerful. Now, we have little way to retaliate. We could pay a high price...the future of our children, our country, our lives, is changing . It's being taken over by pure evil...with the elite NWO leaders, spraying agents in the air, to control weather and us. It's in the hands of powerful, evil men and not much we can do. Most don't ...

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Morgellons Fibers Moving Transhumanism at the Door, NWO Taking Over - Video

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