The Honorary Patronage of Mark Shuttleworth | University Philosophical Society – Video

Posted: December 12, 2012 at 10:46 am

The Honorary Patronage of Mark Shuttleworth | University Philosophical Society
Mark Shuttleworth became an Honorary Patron of the Society on the 17th of December 2012 for his contribution to business and the open source software network. Mark is founder of Ubuntu, a popular free operating system for desktops and servers. In April 2002 he flew in space, as a cosmonaut member of the crew of Russian Soyuz mission TM34 to the International Space Station. He became the second self-funded space tourist and the first-ever African in space. After graduating from the University of Cape Town with a degree in finance and information technology, Mark founded Thawte, a company specialising in digital certificates and cryptography. When Thawte was acquired in 1999 by VeriSign, and he founded HBD, an investment company, and setup the Shuttleworth Foundation, which funds innovative change in society by supporting Fellows and investing in their projects. He moved to London in 2001, and began preparing for the First African in Space mission, training in Star City, Russia, and Khazakstan. After a tour of schools in South Africa promoting science and mathematics for aspiring astronauts he started work on Ubuntu. Today he lives on the lovely Isle of Man.From:TCDPhilViews:1 0ratingsTime:48:24More inEducation

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The Honorary Patronage of Mark Shuttleworth | University Philosophical Society - Video

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