Russia And China May Build A Space Station – Electronics Weekly (blog)

Posted: April 7, 2017 at 8:37 pm

Now is the time when one needs to make a decision about the ISS, says Andrei Ionin, chief analyst of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics.

For the time being, we are discussing different options, although one should have done it a lot earlier, adds Ionin, the space station of the future must also be an international project. Such projects need to be discussed long in advance.

The key question here is not about the size of the station or its location in space whether it is going to orbit the Earth or the Moon, concludes Ionian, the key question is about international cooperation. We need to understand who our partners are. All other questions are secondary. Clearly, Russia and China can build such stations, but this is not a question of technologies or finance. Russia solves secondary questions related to modules and their functions. I believe that Russia and China can be very good partners at this point.

A new East-West Space Race is an alarming thought but likely to be a stimulus to the technology industry,

See the original post here:
Russia And China May Build A Space Station - Electronics Weekly (blog)

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