International Space Station (ISS) –

Posted: March 30, 2016 at 5:45 pm

STS-88 (Endeavour)/International Space Station (ISS) U.S. Robert Cabana; Frederick Sturckow; Jerry Ross; Nancy Currie; James Newman; Sergey Krikalyov December 415, 1998 linked first two modules of ISS (Zarya [Russia] and Unity [U.S.]) STS-96 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. Kent Rominger; Rick Husband; Tamara Jernigan; Ellen Ochoa; Daniel Barry; Julie Payette; Valery Tokarev May 27June 6, 1999 carried supplies to ISS STS-101 (Atlantis)/ISS U.S. James Halsell; Scott Horowitz; Mary Weber; Jeffrey Williams; James Voss; Susan Helms; Yuri Usachyov May 1929, 2000 ISS outfitting and repair STS-106 (Atlantis)/ISS U.S. Terrence Wilcutt; Scott Altman; Edward Lu; Richard Mastracchio; Daniel Burbank; Yury Malenchenko; Boris Morukov September 820, 2000 completed docking of Russian-built Zvezda module to ISS STS-92 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. Brian Duffy; Pamela Melroy; Leroy Chiao; William McArthur; Peter Wisoff; Michael Lopez-Alegria; Wakata Koichi October 1124, 2000 delivered Z1 truss to ISS Soyuz TM-31/ISS Russia Yuri Gidzenko; William Shepherd; Sergey Krikalyov October 31, 2000 March 21, 2001 first ISS crew (Expedition 1) STS-97 (Endeavour)/ISS U.S. Brent Jett; Michael Bloomfield; Joseph Tanner; Marc Garneau; Carlos Noriega November 30 December 11, 2000 mounted solar arrays on Z1 truss STS-98 (Atlantis)/ISS U.S. Kenneth Cockrell; Mark Polansky; Robert Curbeam; Marsha Ivins; Thomas Jones February 720, 2001 addition of U.S.-built Destiny laboratory module to ISS STS-102 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. James Wetherbee; James Kelly; Andrew Thomas; James Voss; Susan Helms; Yuri Usachyov March 821, 2001 (August 22 [Voss, Helms, Usachyov]) delivery of Expedition 2 crew (Usachyov, Voss, Helms) and ESA-built logistics module Leonardo to ISS STS-100 (Endeavour)/ISS U.S. Kent Rominger; Jeffrey Ashby; Chris Hadfield; John Phillips; Scott Parazynski; Umberto Guidoni; Yuri Lonchakov April 19May 1, 2001 added Canadian robotic arm Canadarm2 to ISS Soyuz TM-32/ISS Russia Talgat Musabayev; Yury Baturin; Dennis Tito April 28May 6, 2001 first space tourist (Tito) STS-104 (Atlantis)/ISS U.S. Steven Lindsey; Charles Hobaugh; Michael Gernhardt; Janet Kavandi; James Reilly July 1224, 2001 addition of U.S.-built Quest air lock to ISS STS-105 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. Scott Horowitz; Frederick Sturckow; Patrick Forrester; Thomas Barry; Frank Culbertson; Mikhail Tyurin; Vladimir Dezhurov August 1022, 2001 (December 17 [Culbertson, Tyurin, Dezhurov]) delivery of Expedition 3 crew (Culbertson, Tyurin, Dezhurov) and ESA-built logistics module Leonardo to ISS Soyuz TM-33/ISS Russia Viktor Afanasiyev; Claudie Haigner; Konstantin Kozeyev October 2131, 2001 exchange of Soyuz return craft for ISS crew STS-108 (Endeavour)/ISS U.S. Dominic Gorie; Mark Kelly; Linda Godwin; Daniel Tani; Yury Onufriyenko; Daniel Bursch; Carl Walz December 517, 2001 (June 15, 2002 [Onufriyenko, Bursch, Walz]) delivery of Expedition 4 crew (Onufriyenko, Bursch, Walz) and ESA-built logistics module Raffaello to ISS STS-110 (Atlantis)/ISS U.S. Michael Bloomfield; Stephen Frick; Rex Walheim; Ellen Ochoa; Lee Morin; Jerry Ross; Steven Smith April 819, 2002 delivered S0 truss to ISS Soyuz TM-34/ISS Russia Yury Gidzenko; Roberto Vittori; Mark Shuttleworth April 25May 5, 2002 first South African in space (Shuttleworth) STS-111 (Endeavour)/ISS U.S. Kenneth Cockrell; Paul Lockhart; Philippe Perrin; Franklin Chang-Diaz; Peggy Whitson; Valery Korzun; Sergey Treschyov June 519, 2002 (December 7 [Whitson, Korzun, Treschyov]) delivered Expedition 5 crew (Whitson, Korzun, Treschyov) and equipment to ISS STS-112 (Atlantis)/ISS U.S. Jeffrey Ashby; Pamela Melroy; David Wolf; Sandra Magnus; Piers Sellers; Fyodor Yurchikhin October 718, 2002 delivered S1 truss to ISS Soyuz TMA-1/ISS Russia Sergei Zalyotin; Frank De Winne; Yury Lonchakov October 30 November 10, 2002 exchange of Soyuz return craft for ISS crew STS-113 (Endeavour)/ISS U.S. James Wetherbee; Paul Lockhart; Michael Lopez-Alegria; John Herrington; Kenneth Bowersox; Nikolay Budarin; Donald Pettit November 23 December 7, 2002 (May 4, 2003 [Bowersox, Budarin, Pettit]) delivered Expedition 6 crew (Bowersox, Budarin, Pettit) and P1 truss to ISS Soyuz TMA-2/ISS Russia Yury Malchenko; Edward Lu April 26October 28, 2003 Expedition 7 crew to ISS Soyuz TMA-3/ISS Russia Aleksandr Kaleri; Pedro Duque; Michael Foale October 18, 2003 April 30, 2004 (October 28 [Duque]) Expedition 8 crew (Kaleri, Foale) to ISS Soyuz TMA-4/ISS Russia Gennadi Padalka; Andr Kuipers; Michael Fincke April 19October 24, 2004 (April 30 [Kuipers]) Expedition 9 crew (Padalka, Fincke) to ISS Soyuz TMA-5/ISS Russia Salizhan Sharipov; Leroy Chiao; Yury Shargin October 14, 2004 April 24, 2005 (October 24 [Shargin]) Expedition 10 crew (Sharipov, Chiao) to ISS Soyuz TMA-6/ISS Russia Sergey Krikalyov; Roberto Vittori; John Phillips April 15October 11, 2005 (October 24 [Vittori]) Expedition 11 crew (Krikalyov, Phillips) to ISS STS-114 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. Eileen Collins; James Kelly; Soichi Noguchi; Stephen Robinson; Andrew Thomas; Wendy Lawrence; Charles Camarda July 26August 9, 2005 first space shuttle flight after Columbia disaster Soyuz TMA-7/ISS Russia Valery Tokarev; William McArthur; Gregory Olsen October 1, 2005 April 8, 2006 (October 11 [Olsen]) Expedition 12 crew (McArthur, Tokarev) to ISS Soyuz TMA-8/ISS Russia Pavel Vinogradov; Jeffrey Williams; Marcos Pontes March 30 September 29, 2006 (April 8 [Pontes]) Expedition 13 crew (Vinogradov, Williams) to ISS; first Brazilian astronaut (Pontes) STS-121 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. Steven Lindsey; Mark Kelly; Michael Fossum; Lisa Nowak; Piers Sellers; Stephanie Wilson; Thomas Reiter July 417, 2006 (December 22 [Reiter]) increased ISS crew from two to three (Reiter) STS-115 (Atlantis)/ISS U.S. Brent Jett; Christopher Ferguson; Joseph Tanner; Daniel Burbank; Heidimarie Stefanyshyn-Piper; Steven MacLean September 921, 2006 attached solar array to ISS Soyuz TMA-9/ISS Russia Mikhail Tyurin; Michael Lopez-Alegria; Anousheh Ansari September 18, 2006 April 21, 2007 (September 29 [Ansari]) Expedition 14 crew (Lopez-Alegria, Tyurin) to ISS STS-116 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. Mark Polansky; William Oefelein; Nicholas Patrick; Robert Curbeam; Christer Fuglesang; Joan Higginbotham; Sunita Williams December 922, 2006 (June 22, 2007 [Williams]) connected new solar array to ISS electric system; first Swedish astronaut (Fuglesang); longest spaceflight by a woman (Williams; 194 days, 18 hours) Soyuz TMA-10/ISS Russia Oleg Kotov; Fyodor Yurchikhin; Charles Simonyi April 7October 21, 2007 (April 21 [Simonyi]) Expedition 15 crew (Kotov, Yurchikhin) to ISS STS-117 (Atlantis)/ISS U.S. Frederick Sturckow; Lee Archambault; Patrick Forrester; Steven Swanson; John Olivas; James Reilly; Clayton Anderson June 822, 2007 (November 7 [Anderson]) delivered S3/S4 truss to ISS STS-118 (Endeavour)/ISS U.S. Scott Kelly; Charles Hobaugh; Tracy Caldwell; Richard Mastracchio; Dafydd Williams; Barbara Morgan; Benjamin Drew August 821, 2007 delivered S5 truss Soyuz TMA-11/ISS Russia Yury Malenchenko; Peggy Whitson; Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor October 10, 2007 April 19, 2008 (October 21 [Sheikh]) Expedition 16 crew (Whitson, Malenchenko) to ISS; first Malaysian astronaut (Sheikh) STS-120 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. Pamela Melroy; George Zamka; Scott Parazynski; Stephanie Wilson; Douglas Wheelock; Paolo Nespoli; Daniel Tani October 23 November 7, 2007 (February 20, 2008 [Tani]) added Harmony node to ISS STS-122 (Atlantis)/ISS U.S. Stephen Frick; Alan Poindexter; Stanley Love; Leland Melvin; Rex Walheim; Hans Schlegel; Leopold Eyharts February 720, 2008 (March 26 [Eyharts]) added ESA Columbus laboratory module to ISS STS-123 (Endeavour)/ISS U.S. Dominic Gorie; Gregory Johnson; Robert Behnkne; Michael Foreman; Doi Takao; Richard Linnehan; Garrett Reisman March 1126, 2008 (June 14 [Reisman]) added Canadian robot Dextre to ISS Soyuz TMA-12/ISS Russia Sergey Volkov; Oleg Kononenko; Yi So-Yeon April 8October 24, 2008 (April 19 [Yi]) Expedition 17 crew (Volkov, Kononenko) to ISS; first second-generation cosmonaut (Volkov); first Korean astronaut (Yi) STS-124 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. Mark Kelly; Kenneth Ham; Karen Nyberg; Ronald Garan; Michael Fossum; Hoshide Akihiko; Gregory Chamitoff May 31June 14, 2008 (November 30 [Chamitoff]) added Japanese Kibo laboratory module to ISS Soyuz TMA-13/ISS Russia Yuri Lonchakov; Michael Fincke; Richard Garriott October 12, 2008 April 8, 2009 (October 24, 2008 [Garriott]) Expedition 18 crew (Fincke, Lonchakov) to ISS; first second-generation American astronaut (Garriott) STS-126 (Endeavour)/ISS U.S. Christopher Ferguson; Eric Boe; Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper; Donald Pettit; Stephen Bowen; Robert Kimbrough; Sandra Magnus November 1430, 2008 (March 28, 2009 [Magnus]) delivered equipment that would allow a six-person crew on the ISS STS-119 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. Lee Archambault; Dominic Antonelli; John Phillips; Steven Swanson; Joseph Acaba; Richard Arnold; Wakata Koichi March 1528, 2009 (July 31 [Wakata]) added final solar array to ISS Soyuz TMA-14/ISS Russia Gennadi Padalka; Michael Barratt; Charles Simonyi March 26October 11, 2009 (April 8 [Simonyi]) Expeditions 19 and 20 crew (Padalka, Barratt); first repeat space tourist (Simonyi) Soyuz TMA-15/ISS Russia Roman Romanenko; Frank De Winne; Robert Thirsk May 27December 1, 2009 Expeditions 20 and 21 crew; brought ISS to full crew of six STS-127 (Endeavour)/ISS U.S. Mark Polansky; Douglas Hurley; David Wolf; Julie Payette; Christopher Cassidy; Thomas Marshburn; Timothy Kopra July 1531, 2009 (September 11 [Kopra]) added facility exposed to space to the Japanese Kibo laboratory module STS-128 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. Frederick Sturckow; Kevin Ford; Patrick Forrester; John Olivas; Jose Hernandez; Christer Fuglesang; Nicole Stott August 29 September 11, 2009 (November 27 [Stott]) delivery of ESA-built logistics module Leonardo to ISS Soyuz TMA-16/ISS Russia Maksim Suryaev; Jeffrey Williams; Guy Lalibert September 29, 2009 March 18, 2010 (October 11, 2009 [Lalibert]) Expeditions 21 and 22 crew (Suryaev, Williams) STS-129 (Atlantis)/ISS U.S. Charles Hobaugh; Barry Wilmore; Michael Foreman; Robert Satcher; Randolph Bresnik; Leland Melvin November 1627, 2009 delivery of spare parts to ISS Soyuz TMA-17/ISS Russia Oleg Kotov; Noguchi Soichi; Timothy Creamer December 21, 2009 June 2, 2010 Expeditions 22 and 23 crew STS-130 (Endeavour)/ISS U.S. George Zamka; Terry Virts; Kathryn Hire; Stephen Robinson; Robert Behnken; Nicholas Patrick February 821, 2010 installed Tranquility node on ISS Soyuz TMA-18/ISS Russia Aleksandr Skvortsov; Mikhail Korniyenko; Tracy Caldwell-Dyson April 4September 25, 2010 Expeditions 23 and 24 crew STS-131 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. Alan Poindexter; James Dutton, Jr.; Dorothy Metcalf- Lindenburger; Stephanie Wilson; Richard Mastracchio; Yamazaki Naoko; Clayton Anderson April 520, 2010 delivery of ESA-built logistics module Leonardo to ISS STS-132 (Atlantis)/ISS U.S. Kenneth Ham; Dominic Antonelli; Michael Good; Piers Sellers; Stephen Bowen; Garrett Reisman May 1426, 2010 delivery of Russian-built Mini Research Module to ISS Soyuz TMA-19/ISS Russia Fyodor Yurchikhin; Shannon Walker; Douglas Wheelock June 16November 26, 2010 Expeditions 24 and 25 crew Soyuz TMA-01M/ISS Russia Aleksandr Kaleri; Oleg Skripochka; Scott Kelly October 8, 2010 March 16, 2011 Expeditions 25 and 26 crew Soyuz TMA-20/ISS Russia Dmitry Kondratyev; Paolo Nespoli; Catherine Coleman December 15, 2010 May 24, 2011 Expeditions 26 and 27 crew STS-133 (Discovery)/ISS U.S. Steven Lindsey; Eric Boe; Benjamin Drew; Michael Barratt; Stephen Bowen; Nicole Stott February 24March 9, 2011 delivery of robot Robonaut 2 and ESA-built Permanent Multipurpose Module to ISS; last flight of Discovery; first astronaut on consecutive shuttle flights (Bowen) Soyuz TMA-21/ISS Russia Aleksandr Samokutyayev; Andrei Borisenko; Ronald Garan April 5September 16, 2011 Expeditions 27 and 28 crew STS-134 (Endeavour)/ISS U.S. Mark Kelly; Gregory Johnson; Michael Fincke; Gregory Chamitoff; Andrew Feustel; Roberto Vittori May 16June 1, 2011 delivery of Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer to ISS; last flight of Endeavour Soyuz TMA-02M/ISS Russia Sergey Volkov; Furukawa Satoshi; Michael Fossum June 7November 22, 2011 Expeditions 28 and 29 crew STS-135 (Atlantis)/ISS U.S. Christopher Ferguson; Douglas Hurley; Sandra Magnus; Rex Walheim July 821, 2011 delivery of ESA-built Permanent Multipurpose Module to ISS; last flight of Atlantis; last space shuttle flight Soyuz TMA-22/ISS Russia Anton Shkaplerov; Anatoly Ivanishin; Daniel Burbank November 11, 2011 April 27, 2012 Expeditions 29 and 30 crew Soyuz TMA-03M/ISS Russia Oleg Kononenko; Andr Kuipers; Donald Pettit December 21, 2011 July 1, 2012 Expeditions 30 and 31 crew Soyuz TMA-04M/ISS Russia Gennady Padalka; Sergey Revin; Joseph Acaba May 15September 17, 2012 Expeditions 31 and 32 crew Soyuz TMA-05M/ISS Russia Yury Malenchenko; Sunita Williams; Hoshide Akihiko July 15November 19, 2012 Expeditions 32 and 33 crew Soyuz TMA-06M/ISS Russia Oleg Novitsky; Yevgeny Tarelkin; Kevin Ford October 23, 2012 March 16, 2013 Expeditions 33 and 34 crew Soyuz TMA-07M/ISS Russia Roman Romanenko; Chris Hadfield; Thomas Marshburn December 19, 2012 May 14, 2013 Expeditions 34 and 35 crew Soyuz TMA-08M/ISS Russia Pavel Vinogradov; Aleksandr Misurkin; Christopher Cassidy March 28September 11, 2013 Expeditions 35 and 36 crew Soyuz TMA-09M/ISS Russia Fyodor Yurchikhin; Luca Parmitano; Karen Nyberg May 28November 11, 2013 Expeditions 36 and 37 crew Soyuz TMA-10M/ISS Russia Oleg Kotov; Sergey Ryazansky; Michael Hopkins September 25, 2013 March 11, 2014 Expeditions 37 and 38 crew Soyuz TMA-11M/ISS Russia Mikhail Tyurin; Richard Mastracchio; Wakata Koichi November 7, 2013 May 14, 2014 Expeditions 38 and 39 crew Soyuz TMA-12M/ISS Russia Aleksandr Skvortsov; Oleg Artemyev; Steven Swanson March 25, 2014 Expeditions 39 and 40 crew Soyuz TMA-13M/ISS Russia Maksim Surayev; Gregory Wiseman; Alexander Gerst May 28, 2014 Expeditions 40 and 41 crew

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International Space Station (ISS) -

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