International Space Station crosses over Perth | Perth Now – Perth Now

Posted: February 24, 2017 at 5:56 pm

THIS is what Perth looks like at night from the International Space Station.

Italian Astronaut Ignazio Magnani posted the picture of Perth lit up by city lights after the famous space station crossed over the state.

If you were staring up at the stars around 8.20pm Thursday night you may have witnessed the rare event.

The ISS is a large spacecraft in orbit around Earth where astronauts live and conduct research. It has made it possible for people to have an ongoing presence in space since 1998.

Although the ISS has been circling the earth for almost two decades it doesnt often cross Perth at such a convenient time and so bright to see with the naked eye.

The space station was only visible for about five minutes. Mr Magnani alerted Perth to the crossing.

Did you manage to capture a glimpse? Some Perth astrophotgraphers did.

Another interesting photo tonight... The International Space Station flew over Perth from the north-west to the south-east at 8:22PM. I took this photo from Port Coogee, with Leonie. Thanks for the tip Dan! 🙂

Go here to see the original:
International Space Station crosses over Perth | Perth Now - Perth Now

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