Ron Paul: US shouldnt meddle in Ukraine

Posted: March 7, 2014 at 8:41 am

Unfortunately, others get involved and it seems like its irresistible for the US to be involved.

A former American presidential hopeful and a veteran Republican lawmakersays that his country should not meddle in the internal affairs of Ukraine.

Ron Paul, also a physician and author who served as the US Representative for Texas and retired from Congress last year after more than a quarter-century, believes that theres no sense in getting involved in standoff over the crisis-hit nation.

I dont think we have any business there, Paul told RT from his office in Texas this week.

I think it would be nice if we considered the Ukrainians. Its their civil strike, their civil war, and deciding who to run that country should be left to them, Paul said.

Unfortunately, others get involved and it seems like its irresistible for the US to be involved.

We certainly dont want to send troops in right now, he said, adding that trying to help the new pro-Western Ukrainian officials by any financial aid would be impossible.

We are out of money, he said, so this idea that we are going to start bailing out Ukraine is total nonsense.

The administration of President Barack Obama has announced plans for providing Ukraine with an aid package of $1 billion as tensions continue to rise between Russia and the US over the crisis in the country.

The White House says it will work with Congress to provide the money to Ukraines new government following the ouster of the countrys pro-Russian President, Viktor Yanukovych. Congress has said it will begin working on the aid package next week.

See more here:
Ron Paul: US shouldnt meddle in Ukraine

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