Ron Paul says he is disappointed in Gary Johnson, suggests …

Posted: October 4, 2016 at 1:19 pm

Onetime Republican presidential candidate and noted libertarian movement leader Ron Paul said during an interview Monday on Fox Business Network that he is disappointed in Libertarian presidential nominee Gov. Gary Johnson (N.M.) and suggested he might consider voting for Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein.

Former Texas Rep. and onetime Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul (Image source: Fox Business Network)

The former Texas congressman said that he is telling his past supporters to vote for whomever they want in November and that it probably wont matter much

Paul told the hosts that he is disappointed with the performance of the Libertarian leaders and later floated Stein as an alternative because, if you have a sincere progressive and I know them, Ive worked with them they say, Well, one of the most important issues for me is civil liberties and a change in our foreign policy.

Paul also said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton could run as a Republican since these parties dont mean a whole heck of a lot.

He later told MSNBC that his remarks shouldnt be construed as an endorsement of Stein because he hasnt endorsed anybody.

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Ron Paul says he is disappointed in Gary Johnson, suggests ...

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