Ron Paul: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

Posted: July 10, 2015 at 7:40 am

Artful advocates advise this about addressing the court: if the facts are on your side, pound the facts; if the law is on your side, pound the law; if neither is on your side, pound the table. Adding to that adage, pusillanimous politicians propose undressing the court: if you fear its decision, strip it of jurisdiction.

At the root of the culture wars lies a fundamental dichotomy in worldviews. Which is more essential to humanity: the individual or the collective?

Dave Pruett

Former NASA researcher; Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, James Madison University

A recent op-ed in the New York Times chastises Rand Paul for being insufficiently libertarian. His critics are particularly upset over his "hawkish" foreign policy, accusing him of abandoning the ideal of individual liberty. The reverse, however, is true

Peter Schwartz

Distinguished Fellow, Ayn Rand Institute; Author, "In Defense of Selfishness"

The younger Paul knows that in the political big leagues, candidates of conviction who refuse to moderate their message or refuse to adapt to the prevailing contemporaneous political sentiment, are often abandoned at the alter by the electoral consumer.

Rich Rubino

Author, 'The Political Bible of Humorous Quotations from American Politics,' 'Make Every Vote Equal What a Novel Idea,' and The Political Bible of Little Known Facts in American Politics

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Ron Paul: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

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