Posted: January 27, 2017 at 5:46 am


Hello, George! The type O diet is the place to start. Modify it as follows for one month: eat no refined sugars, no grains, no fried foods and no nightshade vegetables (tomatoes or peppers of any kind). We want to eliminate anything that might be worsening the psoriasis, so if you notice any food that seems to make things worse, give it the boot. Every day, grind up (in a clean coffee-grinder or with a mortar & pestle) a tablespoon of brown or gold flaxseed. Cover with a little water for 20 minutes, and slurp it down. Follow it with a teaspoon of good, fresh fish oil. Eat as many raw and lightly-steamed beneficial vegetables as you can stuff into yourself. Have your organic meat and one serving of fish every day. Get an (organic) egg or two per day. Drink near three quarts of pure water every day (NOT distilled, but spring or filtered water), and a quart of high-solids mineral water such as Gerolsteiner. Take the PolyFlora-O and ARA6 supps from this site if possible ~ they will speed your healing.

Check EVERY SINGLE INGREDIENT of every product that goes in your mouth. Its a lot safer to make your own salad dressing in a blender, using oil, lemon juice, salt, and anything else you like to add, than to risk any storebought brand which may contain bad oils or corn sweeteners. Same goes for ketchup & mayonnaise although there are some decent ketchup brands such as Muir Glen. I plan to post basic recipes for common condiments here soon. They are simple to make, take about 5 minutes, keep just as long as the commercial stuff, and are much tastier when you make them at home.

If you are now taking any drugs, or have been on courses of antibiotics and/or corticosteroids, I cannot tell you to stop taking them ~ but these drugs do slow the course of your healing. They impair your immune functions, which reside primarily in the health and activity of beneficial flora and fauna in your digestive system. Psoriasis is a symptom of autoimmune dysfunction. These drugs are given because conventional medicine doesnt know how to treat the causes of your condition theyre doing the best they can to limit your symptoms, but such treatments are counterproductive in the case of most health troubles, including yours. As your condition improves, consult with your doctor about very gradually lowering the dosages of the psoriasis medications, if any, that youre on.

The last thing youre enthusiastic about right now is exercise, right? 😉 I want to strongly encourage you to begin an exercise plan. Its benefits are far above and beyond the effort it takes to get started and stick with it. Every aspect of your life will thank you for pursuing a solid type O exercise regime ~ including, most swiftly and notably, your largest organ: your skin. And consider a deep stress-relief practice such as Transcendental Meditation or Medical Meditation ~ the book Meditation as Medicine is available at most general bookstores and from online sellers like and is a treasure in a package. Lower your stored stresses, and allow your bodys natural healing to take over from the fight-or-flight mode which lies at the root of autoimmune disorders.

Folks, if you have psoriasis, just follow these instructions based on your own ABO diet and activity plan. And please, give me your feedback on your experiences with psoriasis. This is a disabling disease that strikes children, adults of childbearing age, the elderly... let's work together to make it as rare as hens' teeth! My ears are wide open over here! 🙂

This entry was posted on May 13th, 2000 at 07:51:00 am and is filed under On The Diet.

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