Who is the #SUBJECT in the #FUTURE? – Huffington Post

Posted: February 7, 2017 at 9:46 pm

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I should state that my prof probably wouldnt support me posting such a public critique of another academic, but in my profs own words..We are baby academics...and as a baby I think I have license to discussing my ever changing ignorant and informed perspective(s)..

Who is the subject in the future?

It becomes increasingly difficult to comprehend the diversity of Queer Theory. The comprehension of diversity possibly requires us to specify theoriesin "..document or legitimizing installment.."(Manalansan2014)or archival efforts in colonial desperation. MartinF. Manalansan's"The Stuffof Archives | Mess, Migration, and Queer Lives" offers a possible contemporary contribution to a post-colonial diversity. Even though this "..theoretical and ethnographic explanation" (Manalansan2014) situates itselfin New York City at the brink of the millenniumit may not be effortless to justify the "Contestationsof citizenship, hygiene, and social order."(Manalansan2014) thatManalansaninsists. This response essay will cover what is empirical, objective, but subjectiveabout Manalansan'spiece.Is there validity to positive and negative messes"(Manalansan2014)? Mess as Queer.

The piece situates itself in a "..gentrifying neighbourhood.."(Manalansan2014) NYC at the end of the AIDScrisis. Proposes the "The Queer Six" (Manalansan2014)to state a case for empirical observation. A Filipinatrans woman, two South-asiangay men, an Ecuadoranlesbian, and two Colombians, a lesbian and a bisexual..begs the question of appropriate diversity. What is so disheveled about this isolated group of "..minorariansubjects.." (Manalansan2014)? If"..mess is not limited to bodies, objects.."(Manalansan2014) then where are bodies of majoritarian? Limited by what Manalansanconstitutes "..material culture studies.."(Manalansan2014). Post-colonial means no-colonial? Empirical is concerned with the verifiable through observation interrogates the absence of neo-culturalIntegration.

To vindicate the "..untidy disorganization of bodies, things, emotions.."(Manalansan2014) as additions to the archive Manalansansheds light on "..culture of underrecognizedpractices.."(Manalansan2014). Using examples such as television show What Not to Wear as a "..pathology to normality.."(Manalansan2014) evidentiallyand objectively explores reasonings for these under recognized practices and bodies. Objectivity situates itself in neutrality. Words of scientific comedianEmily Levine "The subject subjugatingthe object" How is Manalansansubjugating the evidence?Indications of "..the idea of a hotmess involves less a clear-cut binary than a highly gendered one.." (Manalansan2014)implicating "..positive and negative messes.." (Manalansan2014)curiously invokes us to ask..who are the actual subjects in this allegedObjective commentary.

At further dissection, "The Queer Six" disguisesitself as subjects of "..ephemeral evidence.."(Manalansan2014) at the trenches against "..traditional historiography.."(Manalansan2014). For the reasoning inManalansan'sargumentgive impressions of morality. Unexpectedly, the subject becomes principlesof positive and negative as a rational for Mess as Queerness. Expansion on "..science of systems management.."(Manalansan2014) could have providedManalansanwith better substantiatedclaims. Though, the inclusion of BinarySystems offers an acceptable provocation "..of marginalized queers.."(Manalansan2014) as apposed to "..locating the quotidian.."(Manalansan2014) in the sensationalizedand evidencing irrelavant"..pleasures and fabulousness.."(Manalansan2014).

Who is the subject subjugatingthe object?.. in another contemporary effort "..to officialize and further historialknowledge.."(Manalansan2014)? As briefly analyzed in this responsiveessay ofMartinF. Manalansan's"The Stuffof Archives | Mess, Migration, and Queer Lives"; issues of inclusiveness, subjectivity, and evidence come into discourse. What is true substantiatedevidence in order to justify a new generation of archival practices? In Manalansan'sown conclusion "..hint at political potential.."(Manalansan2014) or "..alternative narratives enable an openess to multiple futures.."(Manalansan2014) claims fanaticaloptimism with aninsignificantglimpse at tangible solutions. Value in the fabrication in conversational literature may provoke changes in theoreticalperspectives. A material solution of the subject(s) "..queer immigrant archive.."(Manalansan2014) or the subject(s)"..traditional historiography.."(Manalansan2014) subjugating the objects of scientific inquiryin Queer Theory quarrels a different post-human future. Responses whetherMess as Queernessexists as a priority.

Who is the #SUBJECT in the #FUTURE? - Huffington Post

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