Valid position… or partisan drivel? Your Opinion

Posted: March 16, 2014 at 8:40 am

Winnipeg Free Press - PRINT EDITION

Posted: 03/16/2014 1:00 AM | Comments:

When the Canadian Museum for Human Rights deleted a blog post it had commissioned because it didn't find the content acceptable, many of our readers made sure they tracked down and read that post. Here's what they thought.

I read the blog and the PDF referenced in the footnote. Basically, her point is the Harper government is "anti-women" because they scrapped Paul Martin's national daycare plan and replaced it with $100/month cheques. No wonder the article was rejected. It's nothing more than partisan drivel.

-- bek816

A human rights museum that lets itself become an organ of partisan commentary will not likely retain its government funding.

A human rights museum that restricts debate about rights so as to rule out criticism of the sitting government will not maintain intellectual credibility.

This is a tension inherent in the idea of a human rights museum. If the museum continues to resolve the tension by restricting content, it won't be respected.

-- Spence Furby

The truth hurts I guess. Ironically, her blog will get far more attention now.

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Valid position... or partisan drivel? Your Opinion

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